Spelreformen is civilministerns little baby. He has pushed this issue for many years but only in the last year clubbed the law in the parliament.

Since the end of the year has 66 companies received the new license in Sweden and more than 17,000 people have registered for self-exclusion on a break from the game.see. The purpose of this feature is that the player will not be able to play or be reached by direct mail from the companies – something that proved to not work.

the DN in a review shown how several companies violated the law in the first few weeks. Also Spelinspektionen have witnessed many similar notifications that had reached them from the public. It should not be tolerated any longer, says Ardalan Shekarabi.

– From now on it will be very hard requirements on the operators carrying out activities in accordance with the Swedish spellagstiftningen and they go over the limit it will have very serious consequences, ” he says.

– you can talk about initially the first days of course. But now it has been 25 days and now it is this. And the authority is on this, ” says civilministern.

To Spelinspektionen not punish someone, or even engaged in any active supervision from the beginning, he sees, however, that reasonable.

– In the first instance, the authority’s priority has been to deal with all licence applications and it has been the focus. This went very fast in the implementation, ” says Ardalan Shekarabi.

the biggest transition in any market in Swedish politics since the apoteksreformen. Therefore, there is a certain understanding that Spelinspektionen had to prioritize.

But from now on, Spelinspektionens the focus to be moved and Shekarabis message to companies is clear:

– Shot you. For we will not see between the fingers.

so Far he has not been able to have any dialogue with the authorities, due to the lengthy formation of the government, but in the future should the contact be tight.

” that is why It has been so frustrating, we have only been able to follow the development. Now can we act because it is a regular government in place.

– We will have a close dialogue with the authorities so that they receive the right resources and the right support in their exercise of public authority. Then we will follow the development and see if there is a need for additional rule changes, ” says Ardalan Shekarabi.

A much discussed part of the spellagen is the requirement that the advertising from the game companies should be ”moderate”. One aspect it was printed on when the reform was presented just over a year ago.

Both public as well as gaming companies have struggled to define the term. Not even the national consumer agency which has supervision over the requirement have been able to put my finger on what it actually means. They are waiting for a first judgement in the patents and market court, where they sued the gaming site Ninja Casino for guidance.

is no mistake from the regulators, mean Shekarabi.

– It is the authorities who have the opportunity now to take action, and when they do, the application of the law shows where the limits are, ” he says.

the Swedish people meet on a daily basis by the game companies ‘ message in every single reklampaus, on the internet and in magazines. So it can remain if the law is not changed again. Måttfullhetskravet regulates only the content and the design – not the quantity.

But also it will ”be followed up”, says civilministern.

” There is a parallel follow-up of the implementation of the state treasury is responsible for. We will of course follow developments there.

” No. Not enough.

” It would be constitutionally wrong of me to go into it when we don’t have set borders. But could it be that there is a need for further measures from the government’s side, I am open for it, ” says Ardalan Shekarabi.

another question that had been on his heart is the restriction of profits in the welfare system. The he is forced to release during this term of office, unless S does not decide to break fyrpartiöverenskommelsen.

– There is no doubt about what I and my party believe in the issue, but now we have an agreement and that we will honor. According to the should not the government put forward some proposals which are intended to limit gains in welfare.

” I respect it. For me, it is very important that we have a compromise in place, and keep out The sweden democrats from the decisive influence in Swedish politics. Then you get to give and take, ” says Ardalan Shekarabi.

Read more: Several gaming companies that violate the new rules, shows the DN:s review

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