The olympic committee informed that the appeal to the supreme administrative court, Helsinki administrative court’s decision to sustain the recovery of the incident.Stock. EPA / AOP
the basis of the appeal is the administrative court’s recent decision, where it lightened the olympic committee recovery burden only slightly less than 31 000 eur OK:no target 190 000 euros instead.
in the Background is the spring of 2016 began in a tangle, which the ministry of education and culture began to charge back to the olympic committee awarded state grants. Recovery criterion was, that according to the ministry, funds had been used for different purposes than for which they were granted.
ministry of education and culture inherits the deduction even after the olympic committee from more than 400 000 eur. The olympic committee decided to appeal last Thursday’s meeting.
– the Government saw, that the complaint presented the views of legitimate expectations and their own fund-raising proceeds, the impact of the grants are in principle all physical activities and sports the right to security, the release was justified.