Swiss quota in the Swiss financial world as a rising star. The Bank presents itself as a young, innovative digital companies, as the number one in online banking. Unlike many established Large and private banks founded in 1996, the Bank’s Gland had virtually no problems with the law – until now.

Swissquote device currently, because of an affair in the foreign countries in the focus of Swiss justice. It’s more than $ 100 million, to possible tax evasion on a large scale and a Belgian Prince.

The Recherchedesk of Tamedia, has evaluated together with the French magazine “L’Obs” documents show that the Swiss rate last June one of its customer position accounts of the Swiss money laundering MROS reported. It is a collective account of the puerto Rican Bank, Blue Ocean. On the account of Blue Ocean had assets of their own customers deposited, a total value of over $ 100 million. Swissquote had funds of customers of a foreign Bank with.

swissquote to stop being nervous because of this customer, is understandable. Because the foreign Bank is involved in a major tax scandal.

money to another Bank suddenly landed at Swissquote

The founder of the Blue Ocean, a Frenchman in his mid-50s, structured his Bank so that its customers are virtually shielded hermetically from any tax authorities. At Blue Ocean customers will miss even the automatic exchange of information (AEOI). This is a global Standard that, recently, in Switzerland. A Swiss Bank is required to report, for example, the German tax authorities how much money a German has in her. So to prevent that he can hide money in us.

the Blue Ocean, however, is domiciled in Puerto Rico. The island legally belongs to the United States and the United States, not a part of the AIA today. The customers can invest their money in a Fund in Mauritius. This constellation shields your assets more.

These relationships were for the first time in the so-called Dubai Papers to light, published by the French magazine “L’Obs”. A report of the audit company Deloitte describes the approach of Blue Ocean in Detail.

More than a business relationship

In the Dubai Papers also came to light that a certain group of customers took advantage of this discretion to the Blue Ocean is very active. The chief of the Blue Ocean has now admitted that he managed at least 63 million dollars in his Bank of customers of the so-called Helin group. It is a further asset management, which is led by the Belgian Prince Henri de Croÿ and his brother, from new castle. This group is suspected in evasion of taxes helped. Several processes are already running.

to show such As photos, was the relationship between Blue Ocean and Helin more than just business. So the chief of the puerto Rican Bank posed dresses from Henri de Croÿ-organized reception in a French Château in a Tuxedo in the Arm of two women in the evening.

the founder of The Bank of Blue Ocean on one occasion, organised by a Belgian Prince. Photo: PD

The Blue-Ocean-in-chief said, the Helin funds would need to be protected in his Bank after they were blocked in the United Arab Emirates because of a fraud case. That is why Blue Ocean have shifted these funds to Swissquote.

There is a big tax affair

the horizon As the Swiss rate so the clients reported funds from Blue Ocean and Helin at discovered and the money laundering authority, responded to the justice immediately. The Geneva Prosecutor Caroline Babylon Casutt opened the same offence proceedings in respect of suspected money laundering in the case of a Tax. The account with Swissquote, with over $ 100 million has been blocked only once. How much was released until today, is unclear.

That the investigation is actually tax evasion, wants to officially confirm that no one, neither the Prosecutor nor the lawyer of Blue Ocean. Also Swissquote did not want to speak to the operations.

research has shown that the account was in tort is locked due to suspicion of money laundering as a “qualified Tax”. This means that here may be such high sums of money were funneled to the authorities, that each is liable to prosecution, the hiding of these funds. Whether Blue Ocean’s customers actually black money in Switzerland Park, is now the subject of the investigation. Accordingly, the presumption of innocence applies.

state attorney Casutt confiscated, in the meantime, customer profiles, internal memos, E-Mails and meeting minutes. As the case proceeds now, is open. However, it may be that here is a big tax scandal looming.

Created: 28.11.2019, 18:04 PM