Antwerp for Eight years waited for Albert Sneyers (80) on a service of Health of Antwerp. If he has his apartment on the Shore at last, he finds a havoc. The curtains are piece, the paint peels of the walls, the floor are scratched open, the work of the cats from the previous occupant. “It took me 1500 euro cost to renovate,” says Albert. “Not two months later, says the Health business that they are building will be demolished.”

Albert will, together with 27 other residents, by 15 may of the centre of Antwerp to move to the Balansstraat in the Brederodewijk. “With the knife on the throat,” he says. “We have an addendum to sign. We can return later, but not to the new building. We in the Balansstraat continue, we will be the price of such flats have to pay, but that is a lot more than what we pay now. I don’t think about it. Then but no service, although I am eighty-percent disabled and I have suffered from Parkinson’s disease. I own a flat in the private rented here, in my neighbourhood.”

also Read “Nursing had more attention to their mobile than in front of my mom”: daughter of death the patient complains outrages Antwerp, ZNA-hospital twice raided

The misery begins almost ten years ago. “My friend, with whom I than 50 years of blissfully happy together am says on a day that he doesn’t feel well. When I put it right to try to help, he falls to death on the spot. My grief is too big to carry and I am in the hospital. After a stay in the hospital, I return to Hoboken. I am there twice raided. The first time to snatch my chain off, my stemprothese, a valve in my throat through which I speak, and shoot this release. A time later my rollator stolen, the middle of the street, and I remain helpless to wait on the pavement to a lady to him a couple of streets away. I want to be there, and write me in for a service flat.”

I lost 16 kilograms. In the hospital they thought cancer, but it is the stress of the past few months. I’m on.


The waiting lists are what they are, but for Albert, it takes not less than eight years before starting his apartment on the Banks. “They said afterwards that I could not reach. That there is a wrong phone number in the system. But they wísten where I lived. How hard can it be to send a letter? Or come along to come.”