MORE INFORMATION Promotion stiffen the fines to the highway in case of gross negligence or Thousands of people support up to 18 hours trapped in the AP-6

Congress has approved with the vote against the PP the validation of the royal decree that toughens the penalties to the highway concessionaires in the event of negligence in the management of the infrastructure. The minister of Promotion, José Luis Ábalos, gave as an example the circulatory chaos that occurred on the AP-6 at the beginning of this year that left him trapped thousands of users in the middle of a storm. The royal decree modifies the Law of roads to establish as a very serious infringement the “possible neglect” of the beneficiaries when cause “significant prejudice.”

The Council of Ministers approved this royal decree of the 8th November. She did, and ahead of THE COUNTRY, with the priority to prevent the recurrence of incidents like the collapse of the road of A Coruña by a snowfall that occurred in Castile and León. The sanctions that can be applied with the change of the law will be between 15,000 and 300,000 euros; the maximum punishment until now was 15,000 euros.

The royal decree on urgent measures in the field of roads also provides for the compulsory detour for heavy vehicles which move along traditional routes to toll roads for reasons of road safety, fluidity of traffic, or environmental. The Jestbahis drafting of the Road Law proposed by the Government, according to Ábalos “legal coverage” of the diversion of trucks and vehicles of high tonnage that the former chief Executive was already implemented on national roads in Catalonia and La Rioja, and specifies that the tolls applicable to these vehicles “may bonificarse, in your case, the amount to be determined on the record by the change in the operating conditions of the highway”. The Administrations concerned may agree by convention, the contribution of each one of them to the bonus.

The reform of the road Law also enables the State to collect tolls on the highways gullies and ravines that were rescued. Gives range coverage legal to do so, the State Society of the Infrastructure of Terrestrial Transport (SEITTSA) to assume for the exploitation of toll motorways “that have been reversed or rolled back to the State.” The PP understands that the formulation of the decree -has had the effect that this is the 18th royal decree of the Government of Pedro Sanchez – would allow the Government to extend the collection of tolls on routes where they do not currently apply. Promotion denies that extreme, and argues that the intention of the Executive is to reduce their price to encourage the circulation by these pathways. “We are raised an lowered widespread of the tolls of the highways rescued in order to stimulate the traffic of these roads, increase road safety and economic contributions,” said Abalos. The minister has indicated that, at the beginning of 2019 Promotion will rescue and will take over the management of the highway broken AP-41 Madrid-Toledo. After his rescue, the State has already exploited the four radials of Madrid, the M-12 which connects with the airport Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas, the Ocaña-La Roda, the Ring road of Alicante and Cartagena-Vera.

finally, the regulations will facilitate the approval of construction projects through the declaration of urgent occupation of the property inappropriate effects “in order not to delay the completion of the project in cases that it is necessary, thus avoiding the consequent prejudice to the general interest brought about by these delays.”