There are (still) issues on which workers ‘and employers’ representatives are in agreement. The bodies of the reporting obligation belongs to: you’ll now well implemented, the initial difficulties were overcome, it means beiderorts. And the significantly higher number of reported Vacancies show since the introduction of mandatory reporting in July 2018, that the new Instrument will be taken by employers seriously.

Only the Association gastrosuisse, which represents the catering and hospitality industry and to the Swiss employers ‘ Association, remains in its fundamental criticism: The set of mandatory reporting was a “bureaucracy monster that brings, except for harassment, nothing,” enerviert be the Association’s President Casimir Platzer. “Of course you can not expect miracles,” admits Daniel Lampart, chief economist of the Swiss Federation of trade unions (SGB),. In cantons like Zurich or Aargau, where the employer had already worked closely with the Regional employment offices (RAV) together, the reporting requirement is good. Elsewhere it need a little more time to build trust.

Nevertheless, Lampart to approve of the employers, that their awareness of change in the course of the reporting obligation. “To this day, is a lot more to be discovered than originally expected – and many of the voluntary reports are made – shows that The employers expect something from this Instrument,” says the SGB representative. A positive effect of writes, the company of the obligation to report: “According to our observations, the public authorities, intermediaries play a bigger role.” At the same time, the “black sheep had to submit” under the private agencies to work less, or they had been forced to part from the market.

criticism of the waiting period

“Today, we know that mandatory reporting has been well implemented, and it works,” says Gabriel Fischer, head of economic policy at the trade Union travail Suisse. But it is not an end in itself, adds Fischer, “and what we don’t know until now: Unfolds, you also effect?” To this question, the state Express its views on the Secretariat for the economy in a year’s time, in the framework of an impact evaluation. Fishing for understanding: discretion about whether and how the obligation to report on the recruitment behavior of employers has a, should be the observation period for a little longer.

However, the travail Suisse-a man complained that the employers hardly need to justify why they had made from the Dossiers that were sent to you from the RAV added, no settings. “This weakens the obligation to report as a recruitment tool,” says Fischer.

Quite different, the employer sees this Association. “Depending on the Canton the company are held, for the feedback, why you have had for the dossier, the RAV of no use, extensive questionnaire in paper form to be completed,” complained Daniella lützel Schwab, head of the Department of labour. In General, it argues for a more efficient embodiment of the reporting obligation. This is the best way to increase the level of acceptance by employers. Reservations expressed lützel Schwab, particularly with regard to the five-day waiting period for notified Bodies. Since the RAV for around 45 per cent of the agencies to submit reports not in the Dossier, this means that for many employers, “idle Wait” until they could elsewhere to recruit. High urgency for new hires was often. With the new professional nomenclature from 2020 onwards, which allows a finer classification of the types of work that will be carried, however, a point of criticism of the employer, and in particular of Gastro Suisse account. Prompt most of the guest are no longer commercial professions are subject to the reporting obligation.

Created: 01.11.2019, 22:09 PM