Just as Göran Sundström attention in their article, so has the employment service have introduced extensive reporting requirements for the employees regarding timecards, attendance and well-being. We share much of the criticism Sundström above and the questions that are about how this very extensive reporting is consistent with the tillitsbaserade governance that are being introduced in the state.

the employment mean the actual reporting is done to plan, follow up and distribute the work and to show the citizens and the government how the authority uses its resources.

A review of the Employment instructions and directions for the show, however, that there are no demands from the government to disclose some of the information that is collected through the Time, Come & Go or Medarbetarpulsen. nor the citizens should be interested in how many cups of coffee as the employees at the employment service, drink, how satisfied they are with their social situation, how good they sleep at night or what they are doing hour by hour.

The collection of health data in Medarbetarpulsen can be interesting as a basis for conversations about health and wellbeing in the workplace. Information about a person’s health, however, is some of the most sensitive personal information available.

We can not see that there is no support in the data protection regulation for the employer to collect the type of information about the employees. What would the Swedish data Inspection board say about the use of Medarbetarpulsen?

We welcome the fact that the management of the public employment service to focus on the work environment. It is necessary, in STs latest employee satisfaction survey value & have employees at the employment service, among the worst working environment in the entire state. Eight of ten respond that they have high or very high workload. Half of our members on the authority will respond that they often feel stress and anxiety over the job. This need to the employer to take seriously. But we in the Union ST know us, to say the least doubts as to whether increased time reporting is the right way to do it.

Managers must make time to be just the managers and get the support they need so they can focus on their leadership. A manager who has the opportunity to be present and conduct a regular dialogue with their employees can replace much of the överregistrering which are now being made.

the Employees must be given good conditions to be able to carry out their work. The administrative burden must decrease. The working environment needs to be improved and it must be given a reasonable time to perform their duties. The risk associated with the development that we now see on the public employment service is the replacement of the present manager who has a good dialogue with their employees regarding workload, stress and health at work with different types of control systems.