In the climate debate is flying the big image of the enemy, in Europe, coal-fired power plants are the biggest CO2 polluter. Also on the list of biggest climate sinners of the European umbrella organisation Transport and Environment (T&E) belong to the seven top positions in the coal industry, followed but not of an Airline, but by a shipping company.

The Geneva-based company MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) is debited, therefore, the climate more strongly than, for example, the low-cost airline Ryanair, which lands on the 10th place, behind another coal-fired power plant. MSC is the second-largest container shipping company in the world, and also offers cross – and ferry trips. “The shipping company that transported our Christmas gifts, is one of the ten largest polluters in the EU,” writes T&E provocative to the on Monday published study.

list of the ten Top European emitters of CO2 (in million tons), according to the calculations of the T&e graphics T&E

The European environmental organization to get attention to a topic in the climate debate, often on the edge of occurring, but for a large part of the goods is responsible. It is not only Christmas gifts, but also raw materials and food, such as Avocados and bananas, which are transported by ship in the EU.

Because, since 2018, all of the larger ships in the EU must report their CO2 emissions, could now be levied for the first time in a study of how the output actually is. T&E has analysed the raw data and analyzed. The European think tank is a coalition of environmental organizations and consists of 51 non-governmental organisations from 23 countries, including the Swiss VCS (Verkehrs – Club der Schweiz) is part of.

In the summer, T&E has made already with his study of “One Corporation to Pollute Them All” sensation, as the total of all the cross ejection was investigated cruise ships in Europe (with 47 new luxury liner blow more Dirt into the air as the 260 million cars, read ships here for more information about the emissions of the cruise and to the European private transport).

25% of MSC

Among all cargo ship companies, the Geneva-based MSC with about 11 million tons of ausgestossenem CO2 at the top. With its 362 ships MSC is for exactly one quarter of the consumption in the EU. Behind APM-Maersk (Denmark), CMA CGM (France) and Hapag-Lloyd (Germany) to follow.

in Total, consumed the container ships in the EU, some 59 million tonnes of CO2. This also includes the Transport of goods in or out of the EU and other countries and regions. Container ships bring the largest part of the merchandise for consumers – for example, electronic products such as iPhones, clothes, furniture or food. Within the EU, these shipments make up 42 percent of the CO2-consumption.

The growth in container shipping is unrestrained in the process. In its annual report, the UN conference for trade and development, despite the economic tensions between the United States, Europe, and China a further increase in Numbers. Alone since 2000, the cargo volume more than tripled, from 600 million tons to about 1.8 billion tons.

in addition to containers (light blue) is increasing worldwide, the ship trade with other goods such as aluminum (green), coal and grain (red) and Oil and Gas (dark blue) (figures in million tonnes). Source: United Nations (UNCTAD)

Behind the container transports on the European T&E list is the bulk freighter, the shot approximately 53 million tons of CO2 and, for example, coal, grain and crude oil transport. That makes a little more than 38 percent of the shipping emissions in the EU.

a Further 14 per cent will be borne by the passenger traffic, the equivalent of around 20 million tonnes of CO2 for cruises or ferries. All of the passenger transports imported are not included. The EU is committed to only the larger ships (starting with a gross tonnage of 5000) to report the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

The big cruisers and ferries in the EU to emit 20 million tonnes of CO2. For comparison: The whole of Switzerland from joining in 2017, about 47 million tonnes of CO2 (excluding air and Maritime transport). Photo: Keystone

Overall, the ship has used up 139 million tons of CO2 – 7 million go to the account of “other vessels”. For comparison: According to the current air travel environment report (EAER), the EU, the entire air travel produced in the EU in 2017, approximately 163 million tonnes of CO2.

More than twice as much CO2

The ship traffic data collected show according to the study of Transport and Environment, in addition, that more CO2 is ejected as theoretically specified. With the exception of the Chinese Cosco Group and ONE from Singapore all the container shipping companies expect to low values for their ships. The actual level of CO2 emissions per freight ton is therefore higher than assumed, because according to the international Standard is always expected with a 70 percent utilization of the ships.

most of The container ships more CO2 than the shipping indicated is poking out. Photo: Keystone

Also in the passenger traffic, the consumption is higher, as the cruise companies specify this. The two largest, Carnival and Royal Caribbean, indicate that, per passenger and miles between 116 and 125 grams of CO2 expelled.

That would be less than, for example, the 2019 newly registered passenger cars emit on average 140 grams of CO2 per kilometre (read here why the climate balance of the new car in Switzerland deteriorated in spite of the electric-Boom).

Huge cruise ships are for European cities, like Venice, is a horror. For passengers, however: the larger the ship, the smaller the personal CO2 emissions. Photo: Keystone

Actually a nice Argument for the cruise industry, only it is in accordance with the European T&E study but also the cross incorrectly. So the real emissions of the ships is much higher than that of the companies indicated: According to the T&E of emissions per passenger kilometre of around 280 grams of CO2, more than twice as much as expected.

20 per cent, for the transportation of Oil, coal and Gas

The European organization calls for in the study, among other things, that cargo ships are to be taxed via fuel or CO2. Both of which is not currently the case. Europe is subsidizing, indirectly, the dependence on the Oil industry and slowing the transition to a CO2-neutral economy. This shows, in particular, in the case of bulk shipments. Around 20 percent of CO2 consumption of ships in the EU come from the Transport of crude oil, coal, and liquid natural gas.

The study of Transport and Environment recommends that the ship traffic should be integrated into the European emissions trading scheme. This carriers are, for example, already in the process. With the money that comes together, to climate-friendly vehicles and fuels are promoted. In addition, CO2 should be Standards set, which applies to all vessels travelling in the EU.

Created: 09.12.2019, 16:31 PM