The Finnish skier has followed the media very closely on Wednesday Seefeldissä emerged doping matters.Matti Heikkinen anticipation of Friday’s MM-messages.
said on Thursday the direct words of fresh ski-doping cases.
– let’s Talk about the rules. Deterrent is hard, and you always find people in life from different areas, who experiment with the boundaries and go over, but the rules should be limited to more of it, Heikkinen started his speech.
– a Four-year competition bans should start to share. When closed for a longer time out, it increases the deterrent of further and eliminate business opportunities. It is a matter which should go to more of the conversation, the world champion line.
Jyväskylä expressed concern about the doping case in the existing legal loopholes.
Matti Heikkinen reported on Thursday strong opinions skiing doping cases. Pasi Liesimaa
– in These matters there are always two sides, who seek the optimal outcome. Surprisingly a lot of discount sales convictions can provide clear suggests of the cases – a person is not getting the judgment, which should have according to the rules. On the other hand, this is also puhteiden and rule abiding the right security question.
Fresh doping suspicions, which are directed against Estonia, Austria and kazakhstan’s national team, don’t sweat the finns.
I Have seen all things and followed them through the media. When the last ceissi before this was in Norway, after that, not surprised anymore. If cases should not, control not to work. Let’s talk about the economy, science or art, always some fake and manipulated. Therefore, the need to be clear rules and sanctions.