The Norwegian ski stars Ingvild Flugtstad Østberg and Therese Johaug are very good friends with each other.Therese Johaug and Ingvild Flugstad Østberg sleep race distance in the same bed. AOP

– we have a very close relationship. We practice a lot together at home and at the races. In addition, the sleep number double bed, Johaug revealed NRK’s interview.

– Although our room had two beds, we sleep Ingvild with in the same bed, Johaug continued.

the Women’s way has aroused astonishment also in Quebec, where suksittiin last weekend through the last world cup race.

– Two maids have already told us that you have here two single beds. We know it yes, but we can share one.

a couple of team cooperation as well as cross-country trails and ski tracks on the outside is also produced print. Østberg won this season in the women’s world cup overall competition. Johaug instead, rose to the highest podium in every normal cell of the MM-starter.

Sunday, Østberg help johaug’s rise to the world cup overall championship in the third over Kirsta Pärmäkosken . Østberg remained in Quebec preferred to be ”the final sprint the battle,” Johaug behind, allowing superäthti will race in the second and in the world cup third place.

Østberg though controversy after the race that he helped Johaug, but, for example, NRK ski experts didn’t believe at all Østbergin argument.

It was no doubt that they would know the situation. I’ve seen ingvild from better kirejä as of today, Fredrik Aukland said.