If you are about to launch your refuse collection business, you need to find the right vehicle to help you complete the job efficiently. Buying a couple of fleets of these heavy-duty vehicles can be quite overwhelming. Expect that you have options, there are several models available you can pick. Decide if you want to purchase a couple of brand new units or second-hand ones. You do not need to worry because this article will provide you with all the necessary information you need to know about buying the perfect refuse vehicle for your business.

Choose the most appropriate refuse vehicle

Different types of vehicle can be fitted for waste collection. Each vehicle is meant for a specific task, and you may feel overwhelmed upon seeing all these vehicle models offered in front of you. Are you going to cater to residential or commercial waste collection or maybe both? Here are some of the most common types of vehicles that you can choose from.

  • Automated front loaders
  • Automated side loaders
  • Rear loaders
  • Front end loaders

Choose trucks that have the best features

If you are shelling out a significant amount of money for your waste collection trucks, you need to scrutinize its features and benefits. Make sure to get the most value out of your business investment. Here are some of the most popular features that you should look for before buying a truck.

  • -Lightweight and efficient
  • -Easy to drive and manoeuvre
  • -Equipped with bin loaders
  • -High compaction rate
  • -Can fit narrow streets
  • -It comes with Hydraulic controllers
  • -Safety lights for night waste collection
  • -Equipped with GPS

Define your budget

These fleet of refuse collection vehicles comes with a big price tag. That is why you have to know precisely how much will one unit cost. How many of them are you planning to buy? Can you afford to pay in cash or will you apply for a business loan? You may also want to check out other local dealers who sell refurbished units at a lower price. However, it is essential to check the condition of the vehicle thoroughly by bringing with you a trusted mechanic.

Check for the warranty

Before closing the sale, make sure to check for the vehicle’s warranty policy. Most waste vehicle manufacturers do offer a standard warranty for parts and services that is good for twelve months or one year. You also have the option to avail an extended warranty if you want. Do not hesitate to ask as many questions as you can to the manager before paying for the vehicle.

Lastly, if you are starting in the business and currently low in funds, it is understandable if you are now unable to afford to buy a waste disposal truck. The good news is that you have the option to look for waste vehicle hire for the meantime until such time that you can afford to purchase a few units. With perseverance, hard work and proper planning and management, your business will thrive.