Expert analysis comprehensive coverage of Finland’s wrong the past weekend Seefeldissä.Toni Fools into Sunday’s dramatic couple of messages a day.
standing in Seefeld cross-country trails along 20 meters from the risto matti Hakola , when it crashed fatally a couple of messages last fall.
– Very bad luck. He would in the end get sure to challenge Sweden and Italy, the Fools say.
Hakola said he slept at night for only two hours. Many may think that the male distracted a lack of sleep.
risto matti hakola’s a couple of messages ended in the Alps a drastic disappointment. PASI LIESIMAAIL
– Some are not able to sleep for two days. It will tell you how loud to play the sport is. But not one bad night’s sleep have played a role on Sunday. Just the same, even slept in 18 hours, the evening journal and eurosport’s expert acting Fools notes.
Soft pärmäkoski krista Pärmäkosken ski lumbering Seefeldissä has started timidly. Pasi Liesimaa
the Finnish women’s skiing has regressed considerably since the last couple posts of the blue and white horse tiles is a five year guarantee. Over the last decade at the end and the beginning of this decade a couple of messages was Finnish the parade of species.
a couple of messages has changed form. the Virpi Kuitunen and Aino-Kaisa Saarinen destroyed once for all. Today, the sprinters can withstand the maximum momentum better. It means that really a lot of women sprinters are capable of skiing a couple of messages. Level the world has risen, and Finland has not been able to meet. Sprinttii ski recession in Finland started to reflect a couple of messages.
the Women’s national team was last season Krista Pärmäkosken thread. Seefeldissä Pärmäkoski has been tame.
– of course, Not Krista’re in tune, where at best. I really hope that the machines are now two start-up after the open.
Fools, a comprehensive analysis is available in its entirety in the attached video.