The huge tangle has been called Kasinomålet. It is about fraud against a number of Swedish lender and credit institutions, money-laundering through casinos, the lap of luxury on the French riviera and a mortar in Portland. Over 300 people have been served with a suspicion in the investigation.

– But, for practical reasons, have the prosecution come to a stop at 179 people, ” explains one of the prosecutors in the introduction of his oral submissions.

the Hearing will actually be held in Uppsala but the initial days are held in säkerhetssalen in the Stockholm district court.

and once the majority has set itself brought a handful of the defendants to their seats, wearing handcuffs. All 179 is, for obvious reasons, not in place of säkerhetssal one. Some are connected via link, and many are absent at this stage of the trial.

the Prosecution will begin its oral submissions to explaining the arrangement of the crimes and how the great multitude of suspects are assembled. The top of the hierarchy is a man in his mid-30s from the south of Stockholm – the principal.

He has largely remained in the French city of Nice and controlled operations. It was also where he was arrested in a hotel room after a european arrest warrant. In the hotel room were found a number of counterfeit identification documents, debit card and a bag filled with a quarter of a million dollars in cash.

, a series of ”borrower” and over a hundred money launderers and goalkeepers at the bottom of the organization.

the Plaintiffs are 28 Swedish credit institutions and lenders which have been used in the so-called ”friendly fraud ” approaches”. About friendly fraud.

described by the prosecutor as to the borrowers allow themselves id be hijacked by fraudsters against a bundle of cash in hand.

it is Often about younger people with fixed income and stable economy, which should have lent their personal information to the league in order to take fast loans. Fraudsters have gained access to things like pay slips, tax returns and bank ids in order to get the loan granted.

if several hundred thousand dollars. When after a while no longer able to take more loans prompted the borrower to go to the police and tell them that you been the victim of id spoofing or fraud.

In this type of arrangement is that the lender will be the loser and not the borrower. So have the recruiters explained the concept for the person they recruited.

”remember that you are a victim, act like it too and don’t forget to be sad and upset over the incident”, it is written in a manual, with instructions to the borrowers, who appear in the district court.

the high-profile granatattacken against a banktjänstemans villa in Portland had ties to the fraud. The official worked at one of the major Swedish banks and according to the previous data should have pointed out that it was the head of Kasinohärvan who is responsible for the attack.

Now confirm the prosecutor Maja Kullinger the data according to the indictment against the principal will be expanded to include incitement to rough allmänfarlig devastation, incitement to abuse in action, and abuse in action.

The two men who carried out the granatattacken in February 2018 and was sentenced this summer to imprisonment for three years and three months each. Bank clerk was at home at the moment the two grenades detonated outside the residence, but were unharmed.

is the so-called borrowers. In addition to them, the four recruiters and the principal to the rest of the defendants have been acting as goalkeepers and money laundering, according to public prosecutor Maja Kullinger.

in Order to wash the money to the goalkeepers have been flown down to the principal in france in order to together go to different casinos and take the money out. Total is allegedly to have come over around sek 30 million in their scams. Several of the lenders and the credit institutions require that the money be paid back.