Donald Trump ‘ve arranged the procedure for an increase in Customs duties for Chinese imports to the value of around 300 billion dollars initiate, informed the US trade representative Robert Lighthizer on Friday. A final decision is not yet rendered. The process should start, therefore, on Monday.

The announcement was made shortly after the conclusion of a two-day trade talks between China and the United States in Washington, which had remained without tangible result.

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In the night to Friday was already the of Trump announced the raising of the special levies on imports from China to the value of $ 200 billion in force. The customs duties increased from ten to 25 per cent. For further imports, in volume of 50 billion dollars, the rate was previously at 25 percent. Is concerned now about half of all Chinese exports to the United States. In addition to the recent increase in specific duties Trump had threatened additional duties in this amount on all imports from China.

The trade conflict between the two largest economies in the world, the financial burdened places in the world and is fuelling fears of a global economic downturn. For over a year, the two countries put on each other with penalty duties. The US accuses China of, among other things, theft of intellectual property and complain about the high trade deficit with the people’s Republic of. (roy/SDA)

Created: 11.05.2019, 02:27 PM