The revaluation of the salaries of the nursing staff promised by the government will be “significant”, has ensured this Monday, Prime minister Edward Philip at the launch of the Ségur health, extensive consultation on the future of the health care system, which should be complete in July. It was considered necessary “to keep intact” the “motivation” of health professionals.

read also : Hospital: Olivier Veran launches emergency “Ségur health”

The “recognition” to the caregivers, “it is immense in our country, and it will, the president said, in pay. On this point, I say without ambiguity, the upgrade would be significant,” assured Edward Philip during a speech to launch the “Ségur health”,

The working time, “not a taboo”

Édouard Philippe has also promised that “the daily life of the personal caregivers” at the hospital would change “in the next few months”, thanks to “new resources”.

“What I believe, is that the crisis requires of us, not to change course, but of a change of pace,” insisted the Prime minister by stressing that “this general concertation” between the government and the social partners would lead to decisions “in July”.

The issue of working time in the public hospital “is not a taboo”, has also stressed the Prime minister. “The watchword will be that of pragmatism. I do not prejudge here the outcome of the discussions that will take place in the next few days, but I said that it was necessary to remove the constraints of any kind. The working time should be looked at in the same way”, stressed the head of government.

massive Investment

The Prime minister has also assured that the State would invest “massively” in the hospital sector, believing it was necessary to”expedite the projects,” worn by the hospitals and to accompany them “in their process of deleveraging”.

In the framework of the “plan hospital”, “we had announced the recovery of one-third of the debt of public hospitals, representing 10 billion euros, as well as the launch of an aid plan for the investment of close to 150 million euros per year,” he recalled. “We need to go further”, said the head of the government. “We will launch, so a vast plan of investment aid which will be added to the recovery with massive debt”, he continued.

Édouard Philippe has set five areas for consultation, which takes place under the auspices of the former leader of the CFDT, Nicole Notat : “Recognition for our carers” ; “massive Investment” ; “Agility found” ; “territorial Organization” ; the “Modernization” by the digital.”

The editorial advises that you”Segur of health”: a work explosive for the president and Macron”Segur of health”, in: Nicole Notat, a woman who is free and determined to lead this mission impossible296 commentairesAnonymele 26/05/2020 at 05:28

More words ,,, a sentence to say nothing > as always

Anonymele 26/05/2020 at 02:29

There is an urgent need to remove the ARS.

Anonymele 26/05/2020 at 00:57

the 25/05/2020 at 21:52 – you are all in gu eule you but apart from that nothing

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