the Replicas from the Swedish SSR and Trelleborg municipality shows that there is a great need for an open debate on automated decision-making in Sweden. We particularly welcome the proposals from the Swedish SSR as a good start to a discussion, of a society where automated decision-making with the help of the algorithms is conducted on a transparent and on the public open way, and where there are mechanisms for the supervision of algoritmernas decisions and work.
the Answer from the Trelleborg municipality, however, show a widespread misunderstanding that often occurs when the critical voices surrounding the digitisation is raised; namely, that criticism always entails a kind of teknikdystopi and retrograde leading to a dangerous and costly slowdown of the development.
A national network of automated decision-making within the public administration, for example, can be a good way to start. We have now begun the process of establishing one.
however, We believe, on the contrary, when changes should be made with a high speed, it is necessary reflection in order not to increase the public costs that arise in connection with the datasystemfel or the purchase of expensive infrastructure that then turns out unfavorable.
This applies not only to taxes but also citizens ‘ trust in public administration and state institutions. It is therefore need to develop monitoring and evaluation mechanisms that can keep algorithms and authorities accountable and do not settle with that you know about what you are doing.
We hope that the discussion which has begun here can lead to concrete forums and exchanges on automated decision-making within public administration that brings together many actors in the community to discuss the complex problems, changes and implications of automation in Sweden. A national network of automated decision-making within the public administration, for example, can be a good way to start. We have now begun the process of establishing one.