
Your house to demolish and rebuild? You can soon 7.500 euros

If you are not in 1 of the 13 Flemish cities to live where a reduced vat rate of 6 percent applies to the...

Finally reveals Rosa: Why do I look like a greenlander

for almost 60 years, there has been put a lid on. No one has said a word about why Rosa Kildahl as...

The confusion is total: Sussi la Cour back with the man

the challenge Now is to keep the tongue straight in the mouth. In august announced the 50-year-old Sussi la Cour,...

Fully developed fire in the apartment – one fatally injured

"Fully developed fire in the apartment – one fatally corrupted" "are Investigated as allmänfarlig negligence" "An apartment has been on fire...

The history of the world in a loud voice killed people and sunk boats...

Krakatoa's eruption in 1883 is the human history of the big boom.Krakatoa erupted in 2007. . Indonesia 27.8.1883. At 10: 02...

Now is there a set deadline for the big lejetøjskædes finances

Legetøjskæden Top-Toy, which is under reconstruction, has been given six months to get back on an even keel. It writes the company...

The year of the Pope’s reforms? Incorrect display

In Chile, and Ireland was confronted with Pope Francis in 2018, with the issue of abuse, from Washington, a resignation came...

To 800,000 employees sent home in the UNITED states: – There is virtually no...

About 800,000 federal employees in the UNITED states sent Saturday home without pay. It happens as a consequence of the...

US withdrawal from Afghanistan: The only cheer for the Taliban

step way out of Afghanistan - the reports of a withdrawal of U.S. troops, the government in Kabul can seemingly cold....

Love burst: Caroline Fleming has been single

Love is torn between the 43-year-old Caroline Fleming and the franskfødte director Hervé Larren. It confirms Caroline fleming's pr-agent, Jesper...


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