
Around forty works of art stolen from Saint-Omer found by the police at the...

“During a search, police officers from the Saint-Omer police station found stolen works belonging to the Sandelin museum,” indicates the Saint-Omer town hall in...

Women comedians are gaining a little ground on stage

Murielle Robin, Florence Forresti, Blanche Gardin, Anne Roumanoff... Women seem well anchored on the comedy stages and in the hearts of the French. But...

Artus and Pierre Niney shine a spotlight on popular cinema in Cannes

Mainstream French cinema is celebrating on Wednesday on the Croisette: Pierre Niney is in revenge mode with The Count of Monte Cristo, a new...

Bloodied Demi Moore, Cronenberg's new madness… The 77th Cannes Film Festival is full of...

A few ticklish spectators apparently left the room of The Substance, faced with the hemoglobin-filled spectacle of Demi Moore injecting herself with rejuvenating products....

Not a punch but a “fall”: Depardieu’s defense against the paparazzi’s accusations

Accused of having attacked a paparazzi in Rome, Gérard Depardieu allegedly “lost his balance” and “fell” onto the paparazzi, according to statements from his...

“We know very well what it means when you say no”: Lomepal targeted by...

“I woke up with a start, he was behind me and trying to sodomize me.” This is what the third woman filing a rape...

“It’s the kiffance”: Naps laughs at the “plagiarism” of his hit in a song...

Is Billie Eilish such a fan of Naps that she plagiarized it? The question has arisen since an account on TikTok highlighted the similarities...

Goirigolzarri and Isla: "We can be proud, as a country, of business leadership"

"Do you see yourselves as leaders or as bosses?" Miriam González Durántez, founder of España Mejor, asks José Ignacio Goirigolzarri, president of CaixaBank, and...

Madrid, headquarters of Formula 1 racing worldwide

The sweet moment of the Spanish equestrian sector after the pandemic will reach a peak this May. After passing through the venues in Doha,...

Carlos Sainz will run the Dakar again at the age of 62 with a...

The Spanish driver Carlos Sainz, double world rally champion and four-time winner of the Dakar, will try to retain the title in the toughest...



Stijging van seksuele misdrijven gemeld door politie in eind 2024

Politie meldt stijging van seksuele misdrijven in eind 2024Op zondag 9 maart 2025 om 10:30 uur publiceerde de politie jaarlijkse cijfers waaruit blijkt dat...

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