
What a game that ended up to death in the house of a barber...

The All Saints ' day, 1799, John Spears, a day labourer, 22 years of age, was playing with the money to the...

The VAT of the bulls created a schism in the socialist party Portuguese

The VAT for cultural events in Portugal will fall next year from 13% to 6%, of all, except for the bullfighting, according...

The songs that no one listens (still) dominate the collection of the SGAE

The symphony has not changed. Continues almost the identical, every night. It sounds to loop the music on the television shows late...

So embodies Christian Bale to vice president Dick Cheney

Christian Bale has returned to play with the physical. This time the welshman has gained to give life in The vice of...

In search of the teenager who has opened the way to Virginia Woolf and...

"I will never convert me, horror!, in an animal as normal, and ruthless; in that monstrosity of deformed: the virtuous woman. That...

Critical | Johnny Marr without The Smiths: the soul of youth, the shell of...

divorces, civilized or traumatic, they were never good business in the history of rock. Compare that to Oasis, with the Gallagher solo...

Discovered in Pompeii fresco erotic “unique and exceptional”

A group of archaeologists working in the archaeological park of Pompeii, in southern Italy, have found a spectacular fresh ies) in a...

Norman Foster wants to plant a ‘tulip’ of 305 meters in London

A tulip of 305,3 meters. Architect Norman Foster has planted in the City of London the seed of this project and the...

M80 is transformed into LOS40 Classic, the station that pays tribute to the #...

The last 2 of November, during the gala of LOS40 Music Awards 2018, was announced as the first-fruits to the birth of...

The ‘show’ of Dani Mateo at the Palau of Music of Valencia is postponed...

The show I will Never forget you, starring actor Dani Mateo and was cancelled in Valencia by the threats reported by the...



Nederland verkoopt grond aan België: Weert wordt kleiner

Na bijna 200 jaar zal een stuk Limburgs weiland op Belgisch grondgebied definitief van België worden. Oorspronkelijk behoorde dit stuk land tot Nederland, maar...

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