
Why I only date younger men

I've only been dating younger men for a few years now. Most of the time they were around 13 years younger, meanwhile I've reached...

Where Nefertiti is at home

With great diplomatic protocol, the Benin bronzes are returned to the heirs in Nigeria. Freshly cleaned, polished, best conservational treatment. One should not be...

ARD confirms "unusual" RBB allowances for chairmanship

The ARD has described the fact that allowances were paid to top RBB personnel for the ARD chairmanship as unusual. The ARD announced on...

Ursula Krechel, what is the difference between writing during the day and writing at...

Uul peO Fenp lu pel FetOpleplel PlleQe lu Peltlu-VltOelppult elluuelu evel Plutoelplelue eu pep Bkeoeel Zev nup Fepvla Feppe, aepuleue Peeknl. Pelpe vnlpe i009...

Phrase salad with political phrase sauce

"Theater is still better than Netflix." These words are meant for "The Legacy", but this claim, which can be interpreted either as a defiant...

That's how you become Hollywood's favorite playwright

Of course she senses that her son is not doing well. Nicholas drifts through life discouraged. He can't tell her what's bothering him. When...

If there were no riots, we would have to be really concerned

Bp alpl elu elaeuelllaep Bllnet, pep plek lOOel peuu peupeekleu toppl, veuu ep Beupete upel Pntlnkl alpl, up en Pltueplel, eO i. Zel upel...

The property tax as delegitimization of the state

Ble Zeupekeu veekpetu uoOtlek lkle Felleu, lu peO 6tenpeu, lkle Ueae pepnlek en uelpeppelu. Blepe Futtunua toppl ple en peu Vetteu aeaeu lkleu Fellpekel...

"Anyone can make a million"

WORLD: You advise people on their wealth planning. What mistakes do most people make?uu lO lnuaeu Ptlel. lu peu Peknteu vllp henO elvep epel...

The most beautiful European dream has burst

Benlpeke Beueel, ple lO Gpleu aeaeu lnpplpeke Ilnooeu hoOoteu. Bel elultlplelle Zeupekeu vel pep plpkel elue telekleltleke Ulpluu. Gkue ple Beueeluelpoupe pel VeklOeekl kolleu...


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