
The most beautiful thing in the world is the Veedel? bullshit!

Every city has its basic narrative. The one from which everything can be explained. The ones you need to know before you move.For a...

Not a penny for ineffective Stalinists

Shortly before his death, King Frederick II, known as “the Great” or “of Prussia”, ordered that the farmers who are assigned there must all...

Music theater for people with closed eyes

In the end it all fits together, harmoniously, idiosyncratically - and as an original. Alexei Ratmansky, ex-Bolshoi ballet director with Ukrainian roots, who has...

2022, a terrible art year

In 2022, not only has the culture of debate changed, but also the role of the museum, quite officially. The International Council of Museums...

“Either it will drag you down into the abyss. Or it makes you strong"

Once, when Natalie Scharf was about seven years old, the teacher stood there and asked the class what they thought of about Jesus. That...

The man who was in every crime novel

Hans-Peter Hallwachs was what is often said to only exist in American films: a character head, immediately recognizable, gaunt, sinewy; On the autograph cards...

Seven discourse blockers that endanger our coexistence

Pealuueu vll Oll elueO Iepteen: Blue peheuule nup euelheuule Pnlullu, Puue GlO, plettl uul elulael Nell lO Ullelelnlkenp Ptle PekOlepe lu Vleu lkleu uenpleu...

"You can't burn all of Fassbinder's works"

Can a murderer be a great artist? Can one read a great novel without thinking of the author's lies, crimes, or political aberrations? We...

"A little more error culture would do Germany good"

Didn't you always suspect that the Saxons are a special people? Evidence has recently been found in the Grassi Museum of Ethnology in Leipzig....

How the ZDF boss defines competition

The new boss is not expected to announce a few months after taking office that now is the time to merge the store with...



PVV-minister Agema verdedigt bezuinigingen tijdens financiële uitdagingen

PVV-minister Agema verdedigt bezuinigingen tijdens financiële uitdagingenMinister Agema van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport heeft vandaag in de Tweede Kamer benadrukt dat er momenteel geen...

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