
"I called them whining water bodies – that's very affectionate!"

There is an almost family atmosphere in the Berlin Babylon cinema. More than two years after the forced break caused by the pandemic, Oliver...

The man with the golden phallus

In Bayreuth, for three years now, after the festival has come before the festival. While emptiness yawns on the Green Hill because the Wagner...

"Jews may not be so square in the head"

Samuel Finzi is on the move. He will play "Zdenek Adamec" in Prague. Peter Handke's play about a student's self-immolation on Prague's Wenceslas Square,...

Where are they, the happy working moms?

The series "Bobo Sieben Dormouse" and "My Girlfriend Conni" are the undisputed bestsellers among children under five, even if Netflix puts a lot of...

The Family of David Bowie

When David Bowie visited the "Dick Cavett Show" in the New York ABC studios in 1974, the host greeted him with the questions of...

This is the first highlight of the "Tatort" season

There is a fable that is strangely popular in Swabia. In Stuttgart. In the Stuttgart "crime scene" to be more precise. The fable was...

The September in which Germany was invented

Blue PuOOel, eleuu Felppl nup eleuu Vlulel teua uelpleehle plek ib0i/00 elu uuek leekl lnuael pekteuhel Zeuu ent pel Vellpnla uul peu Fopekelu pep...

Vacancies in the Humboldt Forum

The return was announced long enough. Apparently, however, museum director Lars-Christian Koch hoped to the last that a good 300 items on loan would...

As inspired as a Wes Anderson character

Ble ouOeplelleu Feele plleua ueek kluleu aehoOOl, elue Fuluplltte ent for Zepe, elueu aleelteu Poeelelplueh Oll Bteteuleuhuent lu for Feup, huOOl for Peklltlplettel Behkell...

The French poet who coveted his Nazi tour guide

In occupied Paris, Ernst Jiinger was on friendly terms with Marcel Jouhandeau, admired his esprit and garden and was alienated by his wife. Jouhandeau,...


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