
Nearly 100,000 people are missing from cartel "extermination sites" in Mexico. There are many...

How many people disappeared from this "extermination" site for cartels located on the outskirts Nuevo Laredo (miles from the U.S. border)? Six months later,...

Russian strikes in Ukraine result in the destruction of the largest cargo plane in...

The group stated in a statementSunday that the "Russian invaders destroyed the Ukrainian flagship of aviation, the AN-225" at Gostomel's Antonov airport near Kyiv....

Is Putin's alarm changing the risk of nuclear war

This includes whether to increase the alert level for U.S. nukes. This remarkable turn of events is made more remarkable by the fact that Putin...

North Korea launches ballistic missiles in resumption testing

This was in a resumption of weapons tests. It happened as the United States, its allies, and Russia are focusing on Russia’s invasion of...

As Ukraine's crisis rages, Belarus holds a constitutional vote

Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, the President, has been moving closer to Russia amid crippling Western sanction over his crackdown against domestic protests. He said...

What is the relationship between Russia and Ukraine wars?

While there are appeals to religious nationalism in Russia and Ukraine, it is important to remember that religious loyalty does not reflect political fealty...

The delicate state of democracy is highlighted by the invasion of Ukraine

"Peace. Human rights. Dignity for everyone Equality. Justice. Solidarity. Solidarity. The Russian military's invasion in Ukraine makes Guterres' message for the U.N. General Assembly even...

Brazil mudslides: Grief and faith amid the ruins

Conde cannot walk even a block without reaching out to someone and offering a hug, a kind word or spiritual counsel. This is how...

Prayers and despair: Ukrainians in America decry invasion

Myronyuk couldn't help but to pray for his family and friends that they would be safe from the Russian invasion. As the war in Ukraine...

Russia-Ukraine crisis causes Fort Riley tank brigade to extend its European tour: Report

U.S. According to a report, a U.S. Army tank brigade was supposed to finish its European deployment. However, Russia invaded Ukraine and extended its...



Explosie bij chalet: bewoner gewond door glassplinters

Op camping De Molenheide aan de Vijverweg in Schijndel heeft donderdagavond een explosie plaatsgevonden bij een van de chalets, waarbij de bewoner gewond raakte...

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