Wisdom seems to be such a feature, that can protect people from loneliness emotion.Video by cultural anthropologist Taina Kinnunen told me how some of us suffer the whole life of another human touch lack.

Loneliness is like a growing epidemic, that afflicts people in western countries.

the Danger of moderate and severe loneliness, the feeling seems to pass the human life cycle in seasonally.

the Most severe or moderate loneliness seems to be three periods: just before the 30-year-old birthday, about 55 years old, and after that, when people have already done much more than 80-year-old.

Such a hazard years were found in the UC San Diego university study.

the Loneliness was according to the study, even more common than had been expected.

People can be alone, but he still did not feel lonely. On the other hand, people can feel lonely in the middle of the human multitude. MOSTPHOTOS

as many as three of the four subjects say they know either moderate or severe loneliness.

according to the researchers, this is a particularly important observation because the subjects had not been in his life, particularly the abundance of such factors, which are known to increase feelings of loneliness risk.

the subjects had no particular difficulty physical or mental health. They were just ordinary, average people.

the Study was 340. They were aged 27-101-year-olds.

a sense of Loneliness in a known relationship to mental well-being, mental health, drug abuse, cognitive function deterioration, and physical health as well as sleep.

Wisdom can protect

the Study found a strong connection to the wisdom and loneliness.

the Kind of people that they thought was particularly wise, were, on average, less lonely than the other.

Wise again held the kind of people who were empathetic and compassionate.

there is Still, however, too early to say that wisdom will surely protect from loneliness.

Researcher Ellen Lee thinks we would be good to try to find a great solutions that can help people to become wise.

through It we can find a way more happier society, where people would communicate with one another and the sense of loneliness dispel.