“They are really annoying, especially at work.” A few words, slipped during an interview about Generation Z, made Jodie Foster the new target of X (ex-Twitter). The actress, in full promotion for the series True Detective, spoke with the Guardian, and incidentally gave her opinion on the generation born between 1990 and 2010. The mother of two boys in their twenties suggested that this generation listened to itself too much and had no taste for effort.

A remark, lost in a lengthy interview, which attracted the attention of Internet users. Several angry reactions flourished on point of harming one’s physical and/or mental health,” mocks a user. Another condemns it outright: “Criticizing an entire generation says more about you than about the generation in question.” Some note that this phenomenon of denigration of one generation towards the other is common: “Certainly all generations, in their late teens or early twenties, have been criticized for the same kinds of things . And it’s so practical that we forget how arrogant, lazy and ridiculous we were in our youth.” “Old people complaining about young people is nothing new.”

Also read: “They’re really annoying, especially at work”: Jodie Foster bluntly about Generation Z

Several tweets advise the actress to become more familiar with the generation in question: “Why does Jodie Foster compare members of Generation Z to the worst young actors in Hollywood, who don’t live in the real America and are rich kids. What planet is she living on if she thinks her Bel Air-style Hollywood is reality?” “Okay boomer. Here’s an idea: Maybe talk to the

However, in the rest of the interview given to the British media, Jodie Foster explains the privileged link that she tries to maintain with young people who are destined for the seventh art, by giving them her advice: “They need to learn to relax, not to think too much, to find something that suits them. I can help them find that, which is much more fun than being, with all the pressure that entails, the hero of the story, she assures. I often reach out to young actresses.” Despite all the comments denouncing “divisive nonsense”, Jodie Foster received the support of a large part of her fans: “Nothing but the truth”, “There are no truer words”, ” “I didn’t think it was possible to love Jodie Foster more, but apparently I do.”