MejlaDaniel Suhonen+ FÖLJÅSIKTAnnie Lööf want to eat sossar to frukostFoto: Lotte Fernvall / AFTONBLADET / 3226”unfortunately, I think that the Socialists have sharply underestimated the Annie Lööf,” writes Daniel Suhonen.LEADERS
Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.
It was the Almedalen week 2014. Börje Hörnlund, the former centerpartistiske the minister leaned forward and said in my ear: ”Annie Lööf is developed in the lab in the basement of Timbro. She is the worst nyliberalen of all. Her you must see up with.” In his book ”the Road to political homelessness”, he describes how his old party taken over by the new deal. It is good bredvidläsning to The centre party kravlistor.
Annie Lööf is to set a ”Macron-trap” for the social democrats. Her goal is that at the next elections, to stand as the only free power against Jimmie Åkessons SD. If 2022 will once again become a värderingsval where the libertarian anti-racism stand against authoritarian nationalism, and where Annie Lööf will be launched as the only immaculate guarantor against Åkesson.
Open to SD, go to the left
To make the fight against The sweden democrats to the key issue hides effectively the neoliberal revolution she wants to accomplish and makes all the left-wing politics obsolete, just like the Macros managed in France.
She loves Margret Thatcher’s policies, and hate the job security
If Löfven would approve parts of the list of requirements in SD, go to the left and take even bigger part of the LO-members when the S dismantle labour law and faced market rents.
But that’s details.
Lööf want Oleybet to push back the unions
Annie Lööf plan can work for she is the ideologue. She showed it when she as a newly elected party leader survived the storms around its futuristic neo-liberal performace institution with the proposal of plural marriage and the flat tax.
She is a idépolitiker and in the long run, politics is not about games but about ideas and to have the power to enforce them. She loves Margret Thatcher’s policies, and hate the job security and the public sector, possibly a little more than her pure contempt for the social democrats.
Her goal is that People have been The centre party’s mission. To forever break the labor movement’s power and to push back the strong unions. Therefore, she is an economic liberal, with pride and with joy
Annie Lööf is sustained, partikassan bristling like a pregnant heifer, and set our sights on the future.
We ought to see that Annie Lööf is a neo-liberal mole that slowly digs through the bonderörelsen, a Free-agent trained by the current party secretary Michael Arthursson whose näringslivssponsrade 00-talsprojekt was about to förborgerliga Party. A decisive step was taken when Annie Lööf became the party leader. But the goal is to crush the social democratic domination. Annie Lööf is sustained, partikassan bristling like a pregnant heifer, and set our sights on the future.
the list of duties should be read literally
unfortunately, I think that the Socialists have sharply underestimated the Annie Lööf. S dream of a Olof Johansson-Centre party that no longer exists. Annie Lööf want to eat sossar for breakfast. The debates during the week has been to interpret the meaning of the list of requirements centerledaren left over to Stefan Löfven. The list should be read literally.
if it goes it Goes thinking Loof. The government in the short term does not matter. For Annie Lööf play the long game and the goal is to complete the Maud olofsson’s regime shift and ”avsossefiera Sweden”.
the Question now is whether Stefan Löfven is willing to help.