“I wrote this book with a film in mind and I would like to direct it. I have to find someone to write it with me,” announced Anthony Delon, Sunday April 7, guest on Julia Vignali’s show Les Incontournables d’Europe 1 to talk about his new novel Bastingage.

Released on March 27, it is published by Fayard editions. “Anthony Delon signs with Bastingage a disturbing novel about control, blindness and toxic relationships, which questions our ambiguous relationships with the pain and the love we have for it when we believe that it defines us” summarizes the ‘editor.

In addition to his desire to adapt his novel on the big screen, the son of Alain and Nathalie Delon spoke widely about the motives of his novel. Asked about a possible autobiographical inspiration concerning his father in particular, the actor forcefully affirmed that his novel is “pure fiction”. While recognizing that his heroine, Luna, was imagined from three women who shared his life. His complicated relationship with his father, Anthony Delon explored it in his previous work Between Dog and Wolf, a purely autobiographical story written as a “tribute to these people who built me, a book on forgiveness, resilience”, recalls he said during the broadcast.

Also read: Anthony Delon, the good son

“Anthony has produced a very beautiful novel, and it is absolutely not a fiction about his father and what he experienced,” Fayard CEO Isabelle Saporta already told AFP last January. She then reacted to information from RTL radio, which noted all the points of resemblance between the life of the hero of Bastingage and that of its author. “I hear the buzz and I understand it. You can draw everything towards the autobiographical, and the problem when you are a novelist is that you are always read through this prism. But it’s unfair for Anthony, who tells something else, a love between a disturbed young woman, shattered by life, whom the hero tries to save for all he can,” she added.

In 2019, Anthony Delon’s brother, Alain-Fabien, also published an autobiographically inspired novel, De la race des seigneurs, where an apprentice actor could not escape the shadow of a father admired by all, but tyrannical in private.