Miraculous. This title may not mean anything to you and yet, the cartoon is making headlines among children under 12. Having become a parents’ nightmare, the cartoon, created by Jeremy Zag in 2015, tells the adventures of Marinette, an ordinary young schoolgirl with one detail. When evil threatens Paris, the young girl transforms into Ladybug and runs to the rescue of the citizens of the capital. In her quest to maintain order, she is supported by Adrien alias Chat Noir, one of her classmates with whom she is secretly in love.

Jeremy Zag, the funny zig who created the Miraculous phenomenon

After five seasons on the small screen, the cartoon invaded cinemas and made an excellent start for a French animated film: 232,423 admissions for its first day and 85,721 in previews. Backed by a major communication campaign and an XXL budget of 80 million euros, Miraculous even ranks as the second best launch of the year behind Obélix and Asterix: The Middle Empire (463,026 admissions in 24 hours).

Released on Wednesday July 5, the film was able to benefit from the last day of the film festival. Seats at 5 euros which have undeniably pushed a certain number of parents to organize cinema outings. These good figures testify to the good health of French animation.