Three performance halls in Gard announced in a joint press release to cancel the performances of actor Philippe Caubère, targeted by an investigation by the Créteil public prosecutor’s office for “sexual offense against a minor over 15 years old”.

“Given the information published in the press this Monday, January 8 concerning an investigation targeting the actor Philippe Caubère, the management of the three structures announce by mutual agreement the suspension of performances” explain the three theaters: the Albarède in Ganges, La Maison de l’Eau in Allègre-les-Fumades and Le Cratère in Alès in a press release posted on social networks on Thursday.

The Créteil public prosecutor’s office indicated on Monday the opening of a preliminary investigation against the actor and director for “sexual assault on a minor over 15 years old by a person in authority”.

“Despite the presumption of innocence, it seems preferable to us to wait for the follow-up which will be given to this investigation”, add the management of the three Gardoise cinemas, which invite ticket holders to contact the ticket offices of each room for a refund.

The 73-year-old actor, born in Marseille, was due to perform between the end of January and the beginning of February in shows based on Lettres de mon moulin by Alphonse Daudet. Philippe Caubère admitted Tuesday in a press release sent to AFP that he had an intimate relationship for four months in 2012 with a minor aged 16, a relationship he said was consensual.

“I confirm having maintained an intimate relationship with P. for a few months while she was a minor (between the ages of 16 and 17), and the significant age difference between her and me should have led me not to initiate such a relationship,” explained the theater man, adding that this “offense (…) in no way concerns the question of his consent.”

Mr. Caubère’s lawyer, Me Marie Dosé, noted on Monday that the young complainant had been contacted in 2018 by the police, and had not wished to file a complaint for these facts on that date.

This complaint is “the result of a long period of reflection”, replied Me Negar Haeri, counsel for the young woman, stressing that “we need time when we are initially a minor of 16 years to understand this what happened and dare to file a complaint.”

According to the two lawyers, Philippe Caubère was not heard at this stage.