Outcast of Hollywood for six years, Kevin Spacey can now try to resume his career, after being cleared of the latest sexual charges against him. But his eventual return to the screen could come with increased scrutiny from producers, experts say. The Oscar-winning actor from American Beauty and the House of Cards series was acquitted on Wednesday of all nine charges brought against him, at the end of his trial in London.
A verdict he received in tears. During hearings, the 64-year-old comedian claimed he was ‘shattered’ and spoke of his ‘lost reputation’ when the first sexual assault charges emerged in 2017, at the height of the movement
The actor was so far “unemployable”, summarizes Christopher Melcher, a lawyer accustomed to defending celebrities. But Wednesday’s verdict opens the door to his return, he said. The star remains a “very popular actor”, who was supported by his fans throughout his trial in London, and still able to attract the public, observes the expert. “None of these casting decisions will be made with benevolence,” he explains. There will be a desire to make money.
Kevin Spacey himself has already said he has opportunities. “I know that there are people ready to hire me as soon as I am cleared of the charges in London,” he assured mid-June in an interview with the German newspaper Die Zeit.
With this legal victory, the producers can “justify the fact of hiring him again”, abounds Tre Lovell, lawyer specializing in entertainment. The UK trial was the final blot on the actor’s CV. He had already been found not guilty last year of other charges in a civil court in New York, and further sexual assault charges in the US state of Massachusetts were dropped in 2019.
The image of Kevin Spacey is nonetheless tarnished by these trials during which the actor recognized embarrassing behavior. In London, he notably admitted to having tried an “awkward approach” towards one of the complainants and to having “closed with people sexually” to alleviate the “burden” of loneliness. He conceded to being a “big flirty” but denied any “violent”, “aggressive” or “painful” behavior. His defense insisted on the inconsistencies of the complainants and had the singer Elton John testify in his favor.
The accumulation of accusations, which often came from other actors, could cool Hollywood producers, who engage their legal responsibility on a film or a series, continues lawyer Christopher Melcher. The producers could not ignore his liabilities and “would have an increased obligation to protect the actors and the team”, insists the lawyer. According to him, the actor could be banned from interacting with the other actors and the off-camera crew, or forced to be supervised by a “chaperone” on set. Measures capable of giving producers “eyes and ears” and serving as a guarantee against new charges.
Kevin Spacey could also rebound because the general public has not followed the trials in detail and will stop at “the main conclusion, which is that he is innocent”, observes Evan Nierman of the company Reb Banyan, which specializes in communication. of crisis. Experts also point to Johnny Depp’s endurance despite the scandals, especially after his successful defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard. The actor was warmly welcomed by his fans at the last Cannes Film Festival and remains the face of Dior perfumes.
Like him, Kevin Spacey could even see his popularity grow with some fans, who appreciate actors who “stand up for what they think is true,” said Mr. Melcher. “What happened with Johnny Depp is an excellent model for Kevin Spacey,” says Mr. Nierman. “As soon as he had the verdict, he plunged back into his work and the opportunities presented themselves again, he summarizes. I think it will be the same for Kevin Spacey.