It is a French specificity. The Salon du Dessin*, which is offering its 32nd edition this year, has hardly any equivalent in the entire world. A real source of pride for the organizers, who are preparing to welcome 39 exhibitors (including 17 foreign galleries) within the Palais Brongniart, but also to unveil a museum exhibition concocted by the Dubuffet Foundation (55 works in total) and to present a theme around traveling artists and travel sketching. Without forgetting Drawing Week, an off-site tour in partnership with around twenty prestigious establishments. So many events which will contribute, once again, to the influence of the event… and of Paris.

“Our strengths are to be selective and recognized by all,” underlines its conductor Gabriel Terrades. In this area, we have outdone the English or even the Dutch, who tried in vain to impose a sector dedicated to drawing at the Maastricht fair. So let’s not shy away from our pleasure at having awakened this market. » A high-end salon, therefore, which has its regulars. Like the London brand Härb-Nuti, specializing in works on paper from the 16th to the 21st century.

“It’s a major event which has close links with major American institutions and museums, and which brings together a caring and close-knit community,” explains its co-director Liberté Nuti. Community ? The word sums up the general state of mind well. “I know many painting enthusiasts who understand nothing about drawing. They are two very different worlds,” smiles Gabriel Terrades, whose gallery will highlight a study of a man’s head by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon, executed in 1819, as well as numerous French and Italian treasures from the 17th and 18th centuries. .

Four houses will join this club this year, such as the Galerie 1900-2000, renowned for its works on paper linked to surrealism and the avant-gardes of the 20th century. “I have attended previous editions, all of very high quality,” observes its director Sylvain Rouillon. We meet a lot of collectors there. This is an opportunity to reach new customers. » Like his colleagues, he was keen to offer the public a wide choice. At all levels. “Our prices range between 1,200 euros, with a work by Gilbert Rigaud from 1938, and around 1.2 million euros with La Promenade de la belle Anglaise by Joan Miró. » Created in 1924 (the first year of surrealism), this composition by the Spanish genius will be one of the centerpieces of the show.

We find this delicious split in the stand of the Bayser gallery, where a lion’s head by Delacroix at 90,000 euros will sit alongside a drawing by Ingres at 700,000 euros. Note also the presence of a Matisse (Dina Vierny gallery) for 100,000 euros, a Gauguin (François Delestre Fine Arts) for 120,000 euros or a Gérôme (Ary Jan) for 50,000 euros. High prices, certainly, but attractive for collectors keen to own the work of an illustrious master and eager to be able to admire its beauty.

“Quality always pays. I would advise a potential buyer to set their sights on a very beautiful work,” says Liberté Nuti. Many lots that she selected with her husband, Florian Härb, fall into this category. Let us cite for example this Holy Family with an angel by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, a pen and brown ink dating from the 18th century and whose price is around 100,000 euros, but also these very decorative pastels estimated between 5,000 and 12,000 euros. Great deals on display at a relatively affordable price.

“For my part, I would tell a novice collector not to go all over the place and to choose a particular theme, such as portrait or landscape,” explains Gabriel Terrades. There are superb depictions of Normandy. There are also magnificent views of Paris, at reasonable prices. In the same way, I can recommend several 19th century artists, who are less known because they were a bit academic and because they were eclipsed by the Impressionists. » Advice passed on.

* Palais Brongniart, Paris 2nd, from March 20 to 25.