President Emmanuel Macron, who did not congratulate Justine Triet after her Palme d’Or in May in Cannes and her very critical speech on the policies of the “neo-liberal government”, did so on Monday for her Oscar for best screenplay obtained for Anatomy of a Fall in Los Angeles. “Anatomy of a triumph: Palme d’Or, César and Oscar for best original screenplay. Congratulations to Justine Triet and her team. French pride!”, wrote the President of the Republic on X, also publishing the message in English.

The film by the 45-year-old filmmaker was in the running for five Oscars but not for best foreign film, France not having officially presented it in this category. He finally won the statuette for best screenplay, crowning an extraordinary journey that began at Cannes.

Also read: Anatomy of a Fall wins the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay

In May, Justine Triet became, with this film, the third director in history to win a Palme d’Or and took advantage of the Cannes platform to denounce the “dominant, increasingly uninhibited power” of the head of the State and its government. She had accused the executive of having “shockingly denied” the protest against the pension reform in winter 2023. “This protest was denied, and shockingly repressed. And this increasingly uninhibited pattern of dominating power breaks out in several areas: socially, but also in all other spheres of society, and cinema is no exception, she denounced. The commodification of culture that the neo-liberal government defends is breaking the French cultural exception. I dedicate this prize to all young female directors, to all young directors, and even to those who today cannot make a film.”

President Macron, contrary to custom, did not express his congratulations and the Minister of Culture at the time, Rima Abdul Malak, said she was “stunned” by his speech. Emmanuel Macron finally congratulated the director in January, on the occasion of the two Golden Globes won by the film. Justine Triet then also made a splash at the Césars, with six distinctions including those for best film and best direction.