What to read this spring? The Renaudot Prize jury met yesterday, Tuesday May 14, to establish its traditional lists of books of the season. Two selections: novels and essays. There we find established authors, such as Charles Dantzig, Jean-Paul Enthoven, Olivier Rolin, Philippe Sollers, to name just a few in the literary section, and Pascal Bruckner, Nathan Devers, Alain Finkielkraut, François Sureau, concerning the essayists, but also some surprises.

The next selections will take place under the presidency of Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio on Thursday September 5 at 1 p.m. at Drouant, then on Thursdays October 3 and 24 at the Hôtel de Massa, at 6 p.m., before the final deliberation and the presentation of the price at Drouant, Tuesday November 5.

The Renaudot Prize was created in 1926. Its jury is composed of Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, president for this 2024 edition, Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, secretary general, Jean-Noël Pancrazi, Franz-Olivier Giesbert, Dominique Bona, Patrick Besson , Frédéric Beigbeder, Cécile Guilbert, Stéphanie Janicot and Mohammed Aïssaoui.


Marie CHARREL: The girl from Lake Placid. Ed. Les Pérégrines.

Charles DANTZIG: Paris in all its centuries. Ed. Grasset.

Bruno DOUCEY: Indomitable. Ed. Emmanuelle Collas.

Jean-Paul ENTHOVEN: If the sun remembers it. Ed. Grasset.

Alexandre LABRUFFE: Cold case. Vertical Ed.

Yasmina LIASSINE: The Bird of the French. Ed. Sabine Wespieser.

Stéphanie POLAK: Hostile Bodies. Ed. Grasset.

Olivier ROLIN: Until death ensues. Ed. Gallimard.

Dorcy RUGAMBA: Dear Rwanda. Letters to the absent. Ed. Lattes.

Philippe SEGUR: Lightning Love. Ed. Buchet-Chastel.

Noham SELCER: Markov Chains. Ed. Gallimard.

Philippe SOLLERS: The second life. Ed. Gallimard.


Pascal BRUCKNER: I suffer therefore I am. Ed. Grasset.

Nathan DEVERS: Thinking against yourself. Ed. Albin Michel.

Raphaël GAILLARD: Augmented Man. Ed. Grasset.

Alain FINKIELKRAUT: Pearl fisherman. Ed. Gallimard.

Denis LABAYLE: Adélaïde Hautval. Ed. Plon.

Louis MICHAUD and Ludovic MARINO: Jean Cau, the indocile. Ed. Gallimard.

Bruno de STABENRATH: The Youth of the World. Ed. Denoël.

François SUREAU: Leave. Ed. Gallimard.

Philippe VAL: Laugh. Ed. de l’Observatoire.

Pierre ZAOUI: Apology for the ephemeral. Ed. du Seuil.