Fine in body and mind, in blue shirt and pants, matching shoes, Didier Bénureau makes a cavalier entrance onto the stage of the Studio des Champs-Élysées. In 2006, he created Bobo, his third show directed by Xavier Durringer. The faithful, there, discover his new one-man show called, Entier, 100% black humor. The comedian returns with familiar characters – memorable Jean Coqueteau – and unknown ones, each more crazy than the last. He presents himself as the leader of the “bald community” and those who “can’t help but open it.”

The sequel confirms it. Time to turn off the light and the troublemaker appears in the guise of a son of an ecologist who intends to “clean” the earth of nature, a racist and stingy retiree, a brainless instructor for CRS apprentices – he advises his flock to “keep a cool head and a hot baton” -, of a collaborator who regrets the courtesy of the Nazis, of a sickly cantankerous mother-in-law or of a transvestite bishop who comes out.

Didier Bénoureau has the art of depicting monsters suffering from abysmal stupidity whose wickedness is the primary quality. He forbids himself anything, dares in complete freedom, without complexes or limits, at the risk of offending prudish minds. That’s how we like it. Fiercely funny, wickedly incisive, snarling like a moth. The actor goes back and forth between the set and the backstage until his shirt is wet. A sparkle in his eyes, a wig, a shawl and a pair of glasses are enough for him to embody beings outside the framework.

We almost forget that he talentedly played the title role of Uncle Vanya by Chekhov at the Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord. A Swiss army knife, Didier Bénureau writes with a pen dipped in vitriol, is an unrivaled performer and sings. Well, with more or less happiness, but for a good cause (Ah! his criticism murders social media obsessives in rap). His “hit”, the Song for Morales, has not aged a bit. The audience takes it up in chorus in front of the moved actor.

Dominique Champetier, faithful accomplice and co-author, directs this “Stradivarius” without difficulty. At 67 years old, the former altar boy has nearly forty years of career behind him. He hadn’t performed in Paris “ for seven or eight years.” “It feels great to come back,” he confides after several reminders. Us too!

Entire, at the Studio de la Comédie des Champs-Élysées (Paris 8th), until April 14. Loc. : 01 53 23 99 19.