The Minister of Culture Rachida Dati said Thursday that she was “embarrassed by the collective sanction”, after the indefinite postponement of the release of the film CE2, initially scheduled for March 27, directed by Jacques Doillon. The director is implicated, with Benoît Jacquot, in an investigation for “rape of a minor under 15 years old by a person in authority, rape, violence by a partner, and sexual assault on a minor over 15 years old by a person in authority”, at following a complaint from Judith Godrèche.
“A film is a collective work. Should we sanction all other talents?” asked the minister on France Culture, citing technicians, makeup artists, and even financiers. “I am more bothered by the collective sanction,” she continued. Embarrassed to punish an entire film due to one person’s inappropriate or illegal behavior.” “Creative freedom must be absolute, but child crime is not an art,” asserted the minister, while recalling her “fight” against “sexual and gender-based violence.”
CE2, starring Nora Hamzawi and Alexis Manenti, was scheduled to be released in theaters on March 27. The production of the film announced on Tuesday its postponement until further notice, after having maintained its release for a while at the end of March. Actress Nora Hamzawi publicly opposed the decision to release the film. “I do not support this decision which, in my opinion, represents contempt for the words of women,” she commented, regarding the film filmed four years ago.
The director Jacques Doillon, 79 years old, is implicated, with Benoît Jacquot, 77 years old, in an investigation for “rape of a minor under 15 years old by a person in authority, rape, violence by a partner, and sexual assault on a minor over the age of 15 years per person with authority”, following a complaint from Judith Godrèche.
Also read: Judith Godrèche, the “icon of French cinema” who no longer wanted to be “the archetype of the nice girl”
Actress Isild Le Besco announced that she was considering filing a complaint against the director, accusing him of having deprived her of a role in a film when she was 17, “from the moment when (she) refused his advances. Anna Mouglalis also publicly accused Jacques Doillon of having “kissed her by force”.
The director contested Isild Le Besco’s version and described Anna Mouglalis’ accusation as “grotesque”. More generally, he says he is innocent, and defended himself publicly at the beginning of February, denouncing “arbitrary denunciations, false accusations and lies”, and saying he was at the disposal of justice.