The Interallié prize jury selected five authors in its latest selection on Thursday evening, a week after issuing a list almost identical to the first. Among them, we note the presence of Gaspard Koenig, an unfortunate finalist of the Prix Goncourt and the Renaudot but still rewarded yesterday with the Prix-Giono. Apart from Humus (L’Observatoire) by Gaspard Koenig, there are books by three writer-journalists, profiles to whom this prize is primarily aimed:
David Le Bailly (Hôtel de la Folie, Seuil), Louis-Henri de la Rochefoucauld (Les Petits Farceurs, Robert Laffont) and Bertrand de Saint-Vincent (Une Certain Disinvolteur, Le Rocher). The fifth author selected is Charlie Roquin (The Masters of Bayreuth, Le Cherche-midi).
The Interallié prize, now chaired by Jean-Marie Rouart, of the French Academy, will be awarded on November 22 in Paris.