Le Bateau Rêve, a story about the world of dreams, received the Landerneau youth album prize on Thursday February 15, after the deliberation of the jury made up of nine booksellers from Espaces Leclerc and chaired by the previous winner Baptiste Beaulieu. This album, produced by author Séverine Vidal and illustrator Julien Arnal, follows the story of two children who attempt to build a machine to explore the kingdom of the night.
Published by Gallimard Jeunesse, “The Boat Dream is a hymn to dreamlike, to the beauty that emerges from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, where the “poetic text of Séverine Vidal combines wonderfully with the grandiose illustrations of Julien Arnal” , greeted the president of the jury, Baptiste Beaulieu, quoted in a press release.
The author and illustrator will receive a grant of 6,000 euros and their album will benefit from a promotional campaign in the 228 E.Leclerc cultural spaces. Since 2011, Séverine Vidal has already published more than 150 works, from comics to adult novels to the Youth album, several titles of which have been translated abroad and won prizes in France, reports Livres Hebdo.
This is a first reward for the work which has sold more than 8,000 copies. Created in 2013, the Landerneau youth album prize recognizes an album in French intended for children aged 3 to 8 years old. Last year’s winner, People Are Beautiful, published by Les Arènes by Baptiste Beaulieu and Qin Leng, sold more than 100,000 copies.