Whether you are a parent or not, you must have heard at least once this little melody hummed (or bellowed) by the youngest: “Liberated, delivered, I will never lie again!”. The cult song from the Disney cartoon Frozen largely contributed to its success, still going strong ten years after its theatrical release.

Her interpreter, Anaïs Delva, is aware of having been – despite herself – a parent’s worst nightmare for a period, she confides to 20 minutes: “Completely! I know that when kids like something, they play it over and over.” In 2013, the voice of the actress was not only on the big screen but also in toy stores where products derived from the series The Sisters featured her voice. “The parents had me everywhere! I made their lives miserable on a daily basis but their children were happy, that’s all that matters,” explains the 37-year-old artist.

The one who now sings her own songs nevertheless clarified that she had apologized to parents shortly after the release of the cartoon: “I already did it at the same time as the director (Jennifer Lee). At the time, she jokingly said sorry to them and I added “I’m sorry too”. “.

Despite the deeply heady nature of this song, Anaïs Delva does not hide her joy: “The good thing is that this song has made progress in ten years, and now it belongs to everyone. Everyone knows it and Freed, Delivered has become an expression in itself. It’s great!”, exclaims the one who never tires of singing the famous song on television or during various events.

Ten years later, Liberated, Delivered is still a hit, and the daily life of its performer has been changed. “There’s not a day that goes by that people don’t talk to me about it and I think I’ll be talking about it for the rest of my life! Good, because I love this song and the character is part of me. I am extremely proud of it.”