MK2 cinemas and the French artificial intelligence specialist Artefact will organize a short film festival in November dedicated to “films made using generative AI” and chaired by director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, director of Amélie Poulain and The City of Lost Children. It is a “pioneering initiative in the field of the film industry”, according to the organizers.

The Artefact AI Film Festival requires candidates to present a five-minute film and to have used several artificial intelligence tools to help with writing, production or direction. “As a fan of technology and innovation, artificial intelligence naturally intrigues me, fascinates me, amazes me and also questions me,” explained Jean-Pierre Jeunet, quoted in the press release. So I’ll be delighted to see a sampling of what’s possible today.”

The composition of the jury will be revealed on June 5, as part of the Adopt AI event also organized by Artefact, the date on which applications will be open. The festival will take place in November at the mk2 Bibliothèque in Paris, and the winner of the Grand Prize will receive a prize of 10,000 euros. “We are aware of the important debates within the cultural community and we believe that experimentation is undoubtedly the best way to convince,” underlined Vincent Luciani, co-founder of Artefact.

The arrival in recent months of generative AI capable of creating very realistic videos on simple request, like Sora (latest from OpenAI) or Runway, worries many professionals in the sector. In December, Montpellier hosted the first festival dedicated to short films using AI in France.