Of women afraid of the gynaecological examination so much, haven’t been studies, never.Obstetrics and gynecology specialist Leena Väisälä tell in the video, what a woman scare a gynecologist in fermentation.

Gynecology-the study of fermentation can be scary – so much so, that the office go seems impossible.

obstetrics and gynecology specialist Leena Väisälä told me, that his practice has been to women whose previous gynecologist to start is 20 years. It may be so that the 30-year-old woman comes to the review for the first time.

– in Particular older women can have bloody discharge for a long time, because you are ashamed of it. However, it is important to check what’s going on, because in older women bleeding can also be early symptoms of a malignant tumor.

Väisälä, women are often scared of two things: what the study found and that research feel disgusting.

Background can be a young age to do a gynecological examination, which is done wrongly.

– If the research is felt right sick, part of it can also be diagnosed from a vaginal opening to pain a space, i.e. vulvodyniasta. It may not have been suspected, if the patient is not told of intercourse pain, or the doctor is not able to ask.

gynecologist fear background can be, inter alia, through incompetent to do research. Mostphotos sex disease ashamed

Someone might be embarrassed in the vagina for too long a forgotten tampon or received sex the disease.

Research or income worth does not, however, Väisälä, nothing to be afraid of or ashamed of.

Research can join the small discomfort felt, but no pain.

Fears should tell your doctor as soon as the reception starts. Väisälä also calls to look for a gynecologist, with whom the chemistry that you encounter.

– the Pelvic floor muscles should also learn how to relax. After all, most often nothing bad is found and women can have the peace of mind.

learn how to relax the pelvic floor muscles:

Pelvic floor muscle contraction mode due to a gynecological examination can be uncomfortable or even painful.

the Pelvic floor muscles are voluntary muscles, so they can learn to contract and relax.

Relax is pelvic floor as important as the compression. Training is so important to remember to relax the muscles of each contraction.

1. Start the training by identifying the muscular contraction. Exercises can do initially supine and then proceed to the sitting or standing position.

2. Remember to breathe normally all the time.

3. Contraction of the anus, vagina and urethra in and up.

4. Hold the contraction for five count and relax.

5. Repeat 5 times. Do 2 sets.

6. Relax for you can practice in addition to lightly pump the movement: the contraction of the muscles up for a couple of seconds and release them then just relaxed. Do about ten repetitions a few times a day.

7. If training is not successful or feel pain, matters familiar with a physical therapist can help right work out the way to find.