William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Yves Bonnefoy’s accurate translation and Audrey Bonnet’s staging that promises “dreams and lots of ghosts.” “King Hamlet is dead / They say a serpent stung him / His son Hamlet meets his father’s spirit / He lost his life by the hand of his own brother who became king…”. A show that revisits in an original way the famous story of the Prince of Denmark carried by the passion of eight actors. To discover with the family under the Paris sky, in a green setting and at nightfall. “Who is here ?”. Magic ! Until July 29, Open-air theater in the Shakespeare garden, Pré Catelan, Bois de Boulogne, 75016 Paris. Duration: 2h25.

Le Neveu de Rameau by Diderot with Philippe Penguy in the role of the philosopher and Claude Gisbert in the costume of Jean-François Rameau and also author of the adaptation and director. “Man is the unique term from which we must start and to which we must bring everything back”, writes Diderot. Around 1760 in Paris, in a cabaret, the founder of the Encyclopédie was fascinated by the impetuous nephew of Rameau, a parasite full of “haughtiness and baseness, common sense and unreason”. A high-flying verbal contest begins between these two fiery temperaments. To be savored like a game of chess. Until July 29, Essaïon Theater, 75004 Paris.

Le mink voyageur, by Rat Cooney and John Chapman, adapted by the late Jean-Loup Dabadie, is already a reason to go there. The second is that this version is signed by Michel Fau and Sébastien Castro, two references in the world of comedy. The second also plays and directs his comrades: in addition to Sébastien Castro, Nicole Calfan, Armelle, Anne-Sophie Germanaz,… See you at Bodley, Bodley and Crouch, the “temple” of English high fur for a laugh heartily. Until July 30, Théâtre de La Michodière, 75002 Paris.

My Son’s Mistress by Alexis Macquart. Be careful, despite what the title and the poster of the play suggest, it is not intended for children. Lionel, 46 (François Vincentelli) is summoned by Amélie, the mistress of his offspring Dimitri (Camille Lavabre) who, it seems, has made a big mistake. At 8, he would be “too focused on the thing”. The father defends him, Amélie tries to understand. The situation escalates, the tone rises. Led by the sharp eye of Nicolas Briançon – in 2019, François Vincentelli received the Molière for best actor for his Duck à l’orange -, the duo of actors is just amazing. And what about Alexis Macquart’s text? Deeper than it looks, it is chiselled like Calais lace. Here is an author we will hear about. Until September 2, Palais des Glaces, 75010 Paris.

The Scourge, based on Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare, adaptation, translation and staging Léonard Matton, artistic collaboration and dramaturgy Camille Delpech. An immersive show that will take place in the middle of the columns of Buren. “In the midst of a plague epidemic, the Duke of Vienna announces that he is leaving the city and entrusting the reins to his young and very virtuous minister, Angelo. In reality, the Duke remains and disguises himself as a priest to, incognito, observe what happens when the law punishes the slightest misdemeanor….” As in Game of Thrones or Carnivale Row, seventeen actors will replay the spectacle of human comedy. From August 10 to 27, Domaine national du Palais-Royal Place Colette, 75001 Paris.