The press release came out this Wednesday March 6, one month before the opening of the largest literary event in France which will be held on April 12, 13 and 14: the Supervisory Board of Paris Livres Événements has chosen Pierre-Yves Bérenguer for direct the Paris Book Festival which will then return to the Grand Palais in 2025, the historic venue for the event created in 1981 by the National Publishing Union (SNE).

The organization provides some important elements on the pedigree of its new Festival director: designer and producer of major cultural events, Pierre-Yves Bérenguer has recognized expertise in cultural engineering and his versatility has been proven on a large scale. locally and internationally, during the organization of major events, notably as general coordinator of the Volez, Voguez, Voyagez – Louis Vuitton exhibition at the Grand Palais in 2015 or the A Summer in Le Havre event on the occasion of the 500 years of the city in 2017. More recently, he was responsible for the cultural operations of Paris 2024 as part of the ongoing multidisciplinary national program of the Cultural Olympiad launched in 2019.

The latter expressed his happiness: “Very happy to join the dynamic team of the Paris Book Festival in a context where, more than ever, books and reading must be included among the great national cultural causes. An event reflecting the challenges of the sector, our ambition is to extend the actions undertaken, by responding to new challenges such as the development of programming, that of the public or public and private partnerships. Jean-Baptiste Passé, the current director of the Festival, in charge of the event which will be inaugurated on April 11, will take up his new role within the Média Participations Group in mid-May 2024.

Also readJean-Baptiste Passé: “The Book Festival will be authentic”

For this new edition (free entry for those under 25), the program of the Paris Book Festival brings together a very beautiful panorama of contemporary editorial creation. This year, Quebec is the guest of honor, “which thus opens its doors wide to the French-speaking world,” it is emphasized. There will be 329 authors at the Grand Palais Éphémère and Hors les Murs, in 160 meetings.