The sex scenes, forgotten in Quentin Tarantino’s filmography? The director, who is due to shoot his tenth and final film next fall, has become known for his scenes of violence, his characteristic music, his favorite actors… “The sex scenes are not part of my vision of cinema”, admitted the filmmaker during a meeting with the Catalan newspaper Diari ARA.

For the director of Pulp Fiction and Unglorious Basterds, erotic scenes have several drawbacks. “In real life, it’s painful to shoot sex scenes, everyone is very tense,” Tarantino explained.

If, according to him, these scenes have always been difficult to achieve because they make the teams uncomfortable, it is even worse today, at a time when people are paid specifically to put the actors in comfortable during erotic scenes. “And if it was already a bit problematic to do it before, now it’s even more so,” he judges. Complicated to achieve, these scenes would be mostly useless, and would not add much to the scenarios. “If there had already been a story-essential sex scene, I would have done it, but so far it hasn’t been necessary,” he concluded.

After the publication of his book Cinéma Speculations in February, Quentin Tarantino should return to the cinema sets in the fall to produce what could be his ultimate film, The Movie Critic. “I’ve been making films for 30 years and I’m ready to stop,” he told Diari ARA.

The filmmaker plans to invest his new passion, writing, and to write about the cinema of the 70s, the 80s, his adolescence and films as they are made outside the United States.