Getting into the college of your dream isn’t the process we’d describe as easy. It requires much time, effort, stamina, and creativity to gather the necessary documents, fill out all forms, and, finally, write your admission essay or personal statement.

Every applicant wants to be special. They aim to impress the selection committee members with their academic honors and awards, sporting achievements, and talents. And since you’re reading this article, chances are applying to college is on your radar, as well. One of the surest ways to win over your members of admission committee is by crafting a truly outstanding personal statement. We suggest that you check out some useful tips that will come in handy when you start writing your own personal statement.

Take Your Time, But Don’t Waste It

Once they get down to their personal statement, the majority of applicants start dreaming about sooner completion of this tedious and excruciatingly responsible task. Though it’s quite understandable that you also may want to get through the writing process as soon as possible, we highly recommend that you go through a few drafts before you finally create a polished version of your paper. Of course, you may have a hard time trying to conceive of the argument or main message of your writing. But once you think everything through, you’ll be able to come up with an effective topic and generate worthwhile ideas for your future personal statement.

Don’t expect you’ll be able to come up with an effective personal statement over a weekend. As with any responsible task, you’ll need to invest a considerable amount of time in this undertaking. It’s a good idea to wait for inspiration and start writing as soon as you feel the flow of fresh ideas. But be sure not to waste too much time figuring out what to write about. Don’t just sit in front of your computer staring at the blinking cursor. There’s no way that your personal statements will magically write itself. There’s also no point in praying and asking all gods “Please, write my personal statement for me.” There are professional writing services that can write it for you, after all. So, have your mind set on writing and make sure to attend to it at the earliest opportunity.

“Personal” is a Keyword

Every person applying for a specific course or degree is unique in some way. Therefore, all applicants are asked to write a personal statement where each candidate is welcome to highlight their strengths and convince admission officers that they can become a valuable asset. It’s crucial that you make your paper stand out from the crowd. To do it, you’ll need to demonstrate your originality, uniqueness, and being wholeheartedly interested in the course or degree you’re aiming to apply to. Take care to make your statement as unique as possible, and unique, in this case, means ‘personal.’ You may want to relate some specific event that became fateful to you in some way or share your observations with your audience in your personal statement. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you’re obliged to pour our heart out or reveal your innermost feelings in the attempt to garner praise from your admission tutor. There’s no need to share your intimate thoughts and experiences if you don’t feel like doing so. What we want to say is that your personal statement should reflect your thoughts, motivation, aspirations, and goals. In your writing, state explicitly why you’re pursuing a particular degree. When working on your statement, you may want to consider the following questions:

  • How my decision to take up this particular course will bear on my future career?
  • What is my ultimate career goal?
  • Where do I see myself in, say, five or ten years?
  • What steps do I need to take to achieve my goals?

By defining you academic and career goals, you’ll show your admission officers that you’re determined to pursue your degree and do whatever it takes to successful complete it.

Boast A Little Bit

It’s a rare higher education institution that would want to have a talented, academically successful student as part of its student body. So, if it’s up to you to prove you’re worth giving a chance. Showcase your formal academic achievements; list your awards, and honors. Be sure to mention your scholarships, departmental honors, academic certificates, or official recognition for community service.

Applying to college is only one of the challenges you’ll need to face in your lifetime. But this challenge also can translate into an exciting journey towards self-improvement and self-exploration. You’re young, full of energy and fresh ideas. Carpe diem! Write a captivating personal statement that will pave your way to a successful career.