Between 1 and 2 million euros in revenue were lost during the six days of closure of the Eiffel Tower, caused by a strike by employees unhappy with the management of the site, its operating company told AFP on Monday ( Sete).

From Monday to Saturday inclusive, during the winter school holidays and five months before the Olympic Games in the capital (July 26 – August 11), around a hundred thousand visitors, at a rate of between 15,000 and 20,000 per day, n were unable to board the Iron Lady due to the renewable strike led by the CGT and FO.

The inter-union put an end to the movement on Saturday, one of the longest in its recent history, allowing the reopening of the emblematic monument on Sunday. La Sete has “renewed its apologies” to some 100,000 frustrated visitors since Monday, who will be “automatically and fully refunded as soon as possible”.

Also read: Rachida Dati wants to classify the Eiffel Tower as a “historical monument”

The end-of-strike agreement plans to include employees in monitoring the economic model and work on the site, within a body meeting every six months. These meetings should in particular allow the monitoring of the amendment to the contract between Sete and Paris town hall, as part of a public service delegation.

The amendment must be submitted in May to the Paris council. It provides for a 20% increase in entry fees, a return to financial balance “from 2025”, and 145 million euros in additional investments for maintenance work on the monument, including the continuation of the 20th operation aimed at completely repainting the tower, inaugurated 135 years ago.

The economic balance of the Eiffel Tower, which in 2023 returned to higher attendance than it was before the Covid pandemic, with 6.3 million visitors, was weakened by some 130 million euros in shortfalls. win during the two years of health crisis (2020 and 2021).