One wonders when this man finds time to Dream. Teodor Currentzis, in addition to his Opera house in Perm, his orchestra, Musicaeterna and global guest obligations the SWR Symphony orchestra – one of the most sensitive Items in the world of Classical music. Through the enforced merger of the sound body in Freiburg and Stuttgart, the resulting Ensemble is hoping that his first chief conductor: emotional design work, identity, common culture, Vision. Currentzis has accepted the challenge, although his agent Harakiri wanted to celebrate on the Red square. The conductor was already fully booked, well commitment had to be solved again, organisers are put off.

But Currentzis felt called – because he knows how to build an orchestra. With music Aeterna a life berstendes art he has managed to plant its roots started to grow 15 years ago in Siberia. Concert-master, the devoted Afanasy Chupin, was then 15 years old. In a kind of student’s monastery Currentzis to the teacher, music also play differently, to live differently. For the documentation, “The language of our dreams” Director Andreas Ammer accompanied Currentzis about eight months between the Permian and Stuttgart. Chupin tells Currentzis have said of his young squad ahead of time that they would occur one day play at the Salzburg festival. In the past year, it was so far: festival opening with a Mozart Opera, this year is a Beethoven symphonies cycle. Currentzis and his orchestra arrived in the international spotlight, to be admired and cheered. Some try the high aufgeschossenen conductors with the Springer charlatanism boots to prove it.

Currentzis wishes that Mahler was still unknown

Whether Currentzis wishes secretly to be still unknown? Not be of camera teams followed the capture want to be able to happen as by the sample of excesses in an old socialist sports hall on the outskirts of the Urals miracle? A request of the conductor speaks anyway: that Gustav Mahler would be still an Unknown. Agree with him, those admirers of the composer when thinking about it, if the world was only saved by a Mahler-Moratorium in front of the crimped Catastrophic, the sentimental Polished, the unabashed Noise. Currentzis has conducted a lot of Mahler at the moment, he has started with a highly acclaimed third office of the SWR Symphony orchestra, a clairvoyant Sixth with the music Aeterna on CD when Sony Oslobet released, and has appeared with a Mahler program at the Philharmonic.

With songs from “Des Knaben wunderhorn”, and the 4. Symphony he penetrates to the core of Mahler’s universe, before all the human tragedy and the Grotesque, first of all, in the recognition of a transcendental beauty. Those who eschew the horizon or him hastily herunterspult, missed the loophole in a fascinating world. Currentzis Mahler’s imaginary Volksliedton with delicacy and courage to go to the wide swinging arcs. The orchestra often plays at the lower edge of audibility, where the sound carries. Also, the baritone Florian Boesch has the nerve to be whispering one thing with this pre-gewehten sound. He takes in the course of the songs from the “Rhine place girl” to “Revelge” more and more shape and drama, and by a fine dramaturgy of the Width, which is able to condense in a flash.

Anna Lucia Richter’s voice blooms

In the Fourth, played by the brilliant musicians in the Stand, continues Currentzis this way. How many moods this score holds, what is the timelessness makes them flow, if you take your time with her! Anna Lucia Richter know in the “Wunderhorn”songs, hands-on response to the naivety, which for Mahler of women’s voices in the final movement of the “Heavenly life” is blossoming with great clarity. From here could join unrepentant, the Ninth, the Mahler heavens, in the Philharmonie, so grateful you know yourself to be amazed including. And then Currentzis, what is all about after this night: He conducts with “dance unit” by the Serbian composer Marko Nikodijevic an ecstatic quivering of the addition, the booms and sounds. Some things you must do in order to continue with a Band. The Band could dream of Gustav Mahler.

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Teodor Currentzis and MusicAeterna under The spell of the vote

Christiane Peitz

“The language of our dreams”, see below .