The British film The Area of ​​Interest won the Oscar for best international film on Sunday, thanks to its chilling chronicle of the carefree life of a family of Nazis, peacefully installed in their villa adjoining the Auschwitz camp.

Directed by Jonathan Glazer, the feature film addresses the horror of the Holocaust, always present behind the wall of the family garden, without ever showing anything. With this story about the banality of evil, he is ahead of “Io Capitano” (Italy), “Perfect Days” (Japan), “La Salle des profs” (Germany) and “Le Cercle des Neiges” (Spain).

Its star Sandra Hüller did not hide her tears in the face of this victory. In the first political speech of the evening, director Jonathan Glazer paid tribute to the Israeli victims of October 7 and the residents of Gaza. “In this film, all the choices were made to confront us with the present. The film shows where dehumanization leads us. We are here as men who refute that Jewishness and the Holocaust are being hijacked by an occupation that has led to conflict for so many innocent people. The victims of October 7, the victims of the Gaza raids are victims of dehumanization.”

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