This Sunday, film lovers have an unmissable event: the celebration of the Oscars.

With this pretext, Tressis has made a report on what would be the best investments for the main actresses nominated for best actress since the candidates for the award have very different personalities and profiles.

Sandra Hueller

Of German origin, she is one of the most awarded actresses nationwide for her role in Anatomy of a Fall. She usually works on German productions, so you could say that she is a risk-averse person, says Jorge Gonzalez, director of analysis at Tressis.

With this approach, you should invest in a conservative portfolio, with no more than 23% exposure to the stock market. Furthermore, with the current rate situation, you should include short-term bonds in your portfolio, mixing corporate fixed income issues and public debt (63%). They would also advise monetary products (14%), benefiting from the remuneration provided by bills, promissory notes and short-term bonds.

Carey Mulligan

She is nominated for an Oscar for her role in Maestro. The youth of the actress, 38 years old, together with her social activism mean that her ideal portfolio focuses on socially responsible investments with a profile between balanced and risky. Being British, Tressis believes that she would like to have European equity funds in her portfolio, to which she would give a weighting of 37%, with a greater weight than American and global funds. She would allocate 28% of the investment to fixed income and combine it with 5% of venture capital.

Lily Gradstone

She is 37 years old and is a candidate for best actress for her role in Scorsese’s latest film in The Moon Killers. She is the first actress of indigenous roots to be nominated for an Oscar.

Due to her origins, she is passionate about caring for the environment, which is why they recommended a risky portfolio, with the majority of the portfolio investing in equities. They advise you on funds with a socially responsible approach in which we included venture capital products with social themes (10%). In the part of liquid products, they recommend funds focused on renewable energies and a European stock market fund aligned with the reduction of emissions of the Paris agreements (5%).

Annette Bening

He has been nominated four times for the Oscars and already has two Golden Goblos and a BAFTA award. Bening received the nomination at the height of his career for his role in Nyad. He is 65 years old. He has a cautious nature, so it would be good if the majority of the investment (54%) focused on fixed income. But because he wants to leave some assets to his four children, “we would advise him to take some risk to try to obtain a better return and have a moderate exposure to equities (36.5%).

Emma Stone is today one of the most renowned and acclaimed actresses of today and has been nominated four times for the Oscars. She won the statuette with La La Land. Her career, full of success, has allowed her to have a fortune as one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. Tressis recommends developing a risky but highly diversified portfolio, with a long-term time horizon. She could allocate a large part of the investment to the Stock Market directly (85%) and venture capital funds (10%).

Emma Stone

She is today one of the most renowned actresses of today and has been nominated four times for the Oscars. She won the statuette with La La Land in 2017. Her career, full of success, has allowed her to have a fortune as one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. Tressis advises you on a risky but diversified portfolio, with a long-term horizon. She could allocate a large part of the investment directly to the Stock Market (85%) and to venture capital funds (10%).