Celebrating comics and promoting them to as many people as possible has reflected the ambition of 48h BD for twelve years now. The event is accompanied by a selection of 15 books sold for the modest sum of 3 euros. Youth, Manga, Fantasy, Adventure, Sport, Historical, comics… the list offers a wide range of albums to discover the first volume of already popular series. No fewer than 250,000 books will be distributed among 1,700 partner bookstores.

Among the 15 titles selected, notably the first volume of the Tokyo Revengers manga, the phenomenon sold in millions of copies worldwide, imagined by Ken Wakui. The reader will also be able to discover the Tengen Hero Wars series, with its historical figures and epic battles. More realistic, Sounds of Life tells the daily life of adolescents who, by coming together around a common passion, will learn to live in harmony with each other. The children’s album Calamity Jane explores the youth of the Wild West heroine confronted with adult problems. For the little ones, the tender book Under the Trees, inspired by the Disney aesthetic, will take the young reader into a poetic universe where animals are actively preparing to face winter. On the comics side, two albums from the Marvel Actions youth series complete the selection, highlighting the Avengers and Spider-Man.

In addition to the discovery of albums, the event orchestrates numerous meetings with authors. This year, 300 actors of the ninth art are going to meet their readers with different interventions between signings, comic workshops, games, meetings and conferences throughout France and Belgium. Schools are not left out. The publishers participating in the event are offering more than 50,000 books accompanied by educational materials for teachers and librarians wishing to carry out activities around comics.

Finally, like every year, the association forms a partnership with a charitable association. Since 2020, she has collaborated with GEPso structures (national group of public social and medico-social establishments) to allow children and young adults to have access to books, through multiple activities and meetings with authors.

The complete program of these activities and events is available on www.48hBD.com.