Vaginal microbes with their own disorder is a common, but poorly known for women’s health problems.The vaginal microflora of the disturbances is known, inter alia, bacterial vaginosis and chronic vaginitis.These problems often remain untreated because they are not recognized.Bacterial vaginosis symptom is a milky discharge, with a fish-like smell.Video vagina weight lifter to tell the rare hobby.

bacterial vaginosis is the most common women’s health and quality of life debilitating syndrome, which, however, is poorly understood.

a Large part of the women to the doctor because of abnormal vaginal discharge or vaginal infections.

These problems are often the vaginal microbes with their own disorder, says university of Helsinki’s obstetrics professor emeritus Jorma Paavonen the university bulletin.

according to the Study, bacterial vaginosis and DIV-syndrome (desquamative inflammatory vaginitis) caused by the burden of disease is greater than has been understood.

bacterial vaginosis in the presence Gencobahis of a large proportion of the women.

Pregnant bacterial vaginosis is about 15%, the student health service users around 20-25 percent and std clinics patients, up to 30-40%.

Typical symptoms of fish odour

Bakteerivaginoosissa the pH of the vagina is abnormally high and the microbial number at least a thousand times the normal compared to the situation.

bacterial vaginosis symptom is a milky discharge, with a fish-like smell due to the university of Helsinki according to the report, the fact that anaerobic bacteria are displaced from the vagina floorasta lactobacilli.

the DIV is still bacterial vaginosis in even worse well-known syndrome, which is also spoken chronic vaginal inflammation.

the DIV in question is thought to occur from 2 to 20% of the women.

This sensitively recurrent vaginal microbes with their own disorder often remains unrecognized.

the Vagina is, according to scientists in a very dynamic ecosystem, and its mikrobiomi works to interact with the woman’s entire body. MOSTPHOTOSVoi seize the sex

bacterial vaginosis impair quality of life.

It is also in the context of, inter alia, pregnancy disorders and pelvic infections.

bacterial vaginosis more cuts and other gynaecological measures related to the risk of infection as well as likely to expose others to infections.

bacterial vaginosis can also make it more difficult of infertility treatment of success.

it Is possible that bacterial vaginosis contagious sex contacts, eye syndrome prevalence is linked to sexual activity.

Also, genetic factors may predispose to this syndrome.

Chronic inflammation of the vagina

Also, the DIV-syndrome associated with abnormalities of vaginal discharge. The vaginal area can be irritated, and erythematous.

DIV:n the risk factors and the syndrome of the natural progression of we know still less than of bacterial vaginosis.

DIV may be a sign of the body’s chronic inflammatory state, which has changed the vaginal microbial their own, Paavonen says.

bacterial vaginosis treatment in basic medicines are certain antibiotics. Probiotics may be useful adjunctive therapy.

Also, the DIV’s treatment use of antibiotics.

Paavonen and the British Columbia university professor Robert Brunhamin on the subject of a review article recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine -journal.